Selected Podcasts
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: April 21, 2009
Behind the Hunt for ‘Nazi War Criminals’
Weber reviews the 30-year ordeal of John Demjanjuk, and the outrageous record of fraud and vengeful, one-sided “justice” of the US government’s “Nazi hunting” agency. US officials are now seeking to deport Demjanjuk, a frail 89-year-old, to stand trial in Germany. Weber reviews Washington’s shameful campaign against Kurt Waldheim, Frank Walus, and other “Nazis.” This entire campaign, says Weber, is an expression of the privileged status in the US for Jewish concerns and interests.
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: April 14, 2009
Straight Talk About Zionism
The IHR director critically examines Zionism as an ideology and social-political movement. He reviews its origins and history, including the little-known story of Zionist collaboration with Third Reich Germany during the 1930s. Citing statements by Jewish and Israeli leaders, Weber notes that the essence of Zionism is its view of Jews as a distinct people or nationality, with interests separate from those of non-Jews. Zionists, he explains, insist that Jews everywhere owe a primary loyalty to Israel and the world Jewish community.
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: April 7, 2009
Behind the Uproar Over ‘Holocaust Denial’
In this first “Worldwatch” broadcast, the IHR director looks at the campaign against “Holocaust denial,” including the bizarre laws in some countries that punish dissidents as “thought criminals.” He reviews the outrageous treatment of Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, and many others who have been imprisoned, fined and forced into exile for non-conformist views on this politicized chapter of history. This well-organized global campaign, explains Weber, and the recent Bishop Williamson affair, underscore a well-entrenched Jewish-Zionist bias in the cultural life of modern Western society, and point up the power behind that bias.
Mark Weber :: IHR :: April 2009
A Look At the Jewish Lobby
A factual, reasoned talk on the power of the “Jewish lobby” in America, and its harmful role, especially in directing US Middle East policy. Runtime: 15:45 mins. “As long as the ‘very powerful’ Jewish lobby remains entrenched, there will be no end to the systematic Jewish distortion of current affairs and history, the Jewish-Zionist domination of the U.S. political system, Zionist oppression of Palestinians, the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle East, and the Israeli threat to peace.”
March 12, 2009
Mark Weber – The American Awakening
Weber and host Michael Herzog talk about the furor over Bishop Richard Williamson and his controversial remarks on “the Holocaust.” Weber stresses that the uproar over his “Holocaust denial” remarks underscores the Jewish-Zionist grip on our cultural and political life.
February 24, 2009
Mark Weber – The Jeff Rense Program
The IHR director and host Jeff Rense talk about Bishop Richard Williamson and his controversial remarks on “the Holocaust,” and what this affair means for Americans, Christians and the world. As Weber explains, the uproar over Williamson’s much-criticized “Holocaust denial” remarks is not really about historical truth or “hate,” but about Jewish-Zionist power and its role in our culture. Weber also talks about how this affair underscores a grave and perhaps fatal weakness of modern Christianity.
Peter Schaenk / War of Perception
Mark Weber :: February 2009
Weber discusses the semi-sacred role that the Holocaust story has come to play in our society, and the contribution of Holocaust revisionism in setting straight the historical record. In this one-hour session broadcast on the “Voice of Reason” network, Weber also talks about the much-publicized case of Bishop Williamson, who has been sternly rebuked for his “Holocaust denial” remarks. The IHR director also responds to criticisms of his much-discussed Jan. 7 article, “How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?”
Peter Schaenk / War of Perception
Mark Weber :: January 2009
The IHR director and host Peter Schaenk probe the meaning of the new presidency of Barack Obama, and what it’s likely to mean for America and the world. Weber explains why Obama will not be able to fulfill the high expectations of so many people. In this hour-long broadcast, Weber and Schaenk also tackle related issues, including how America’s manipulated cultural life sets the limits of the nation’s political life.