Selected Podcasts
The Political Cesspool
Mark Weber :: Sept 21, 2007
The power and impact of the pro-Israel lobby is the focus of this half-hour appearance by the IHR director. Weber speaks with James Edwards and his co-host about a new book, The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy, which presents convincing evidence to show that US support for Israel is dangerously harmful to American interests, and that unquestioning US backing for the Zionist state is due mainly to the intimidating power of well-financed Jewish groups. Weber also speaks about the mind-set of the American Christians who ardently support Israel, about the campaign for a new war against Iran, and about the Internet as a key factor in increasing awareness of Jewish-Zionist power.
The Political Cesspool
Mark Weber :: June 14, 2007
During another fast-paced session, host James Edwards and Mark Weber discuss the immigration issue, the likelihood of war with Iran, the Iraq war, the Bush administration’s policies, prospects for changes in US policy, the betrayal of the two major political parties, why Americans have not acted to remove the failed political leaders, the mission of the IHR, and more. Weber is on the air during the second half-hour of this two-hour-long broadcast. “The Political Cesspool” is broadcast on WLRM radio, Memphis Tenn.In this hour-long broadcast, Weber and host Peter Schaenk tackle the Zionist-led campaign against California Prof. Kevin MacDonald for his scholarly writings on Jewish group behavior, the outrageous ordeal of British historian David Irving for having expressed non-conformist views about World War II history, and other issues.
The Political Cesspool
Mark Weber :: May 10, 2007
During a fast-paced, stimulating half-hour session, host James Edwards and Mark Weber speak about the Jewish-Zionist grip on our media and political life, the importance of free speech in a free society, some encouraging trends, the legal oppression of scholars who express dissident views on the ‘Holocaust’ issue, and more. Weber is on the air during the second half of this hour-long broadcast. “The Political Cesspool,” broadcast on WLRM radio (Memphis, Tenn.), is the country’s foremost populist radio program.
The Jeff Rense Program
Mark Weber :: February 22, 2007
The IHR director reports on the sentencing of Ernst Zundel to five years imprisonment for the crime of “Holocaust denial” under Germany’s notorious “popular incitement” statute. Weber and host Jeff Rense talk about Zundel’s drawn-out trial and the Feb. 15 sentencing, and some of what this and similar cases mean for Americans and the world.In this hour-long broadcast, Weber and host Peter Schaenk tackle the Zionist-led campaign against California Prof. Kevin MacDonald for his scholarly writings on Jewish group behavior, the outrageous ordeal of British historian David Irving for having expressed non-conformist views about World War II history, and other issues.
The Meria Heller Show
Mark Weber :: January 3, 2007
Meria Heller hosts a stimulating one-hour broadcast session with the IHR director. The two talk about the imprisonment in Europe of Irving, Zundel and other “thought criminals” for having expressed dissident views about “the Holocaust.” Weber speaks about the background and current status of the Zundel case. The two also discuss the emotion-charged and agenda-driven way in which Jewish death and suffering are treated in our society, and the contrastingly neglectful treatment of deaths and sufferings of others. They also discuss the new book by former President Jimmy Carter, who is under fire for acknowledging how critics of Israeli policies are smeared and intimidated, the devastating 1984 arson attack of the IHR’s offices, and other topics.
Mark Weber :: December 2006
Holocaust Remembrance: Behind the Campaign
In this 20 minute presentation, IHR director Mark Weber cites impressive evidence to show that the Holocaust remembrance campaign is an expression of Jewish-Zionist power, and is designed to further Zionist and Israeli interests.
Mark Dankof’s America
Mark Weber :: December 29, 2006
In this provocative and thoughtful two-hour session aired on the Republic Broadcast Network, IHR director Mark Weber and host Mark Dankof discuss the background and consequences of the Iraq war, the prospects for a new war with Iran, the power and impact of the pro-Israel lobby, pro-Israel Christians in the US, and the imprisonment of David Irving, Ernst Zundel and other victims of Europe’s “Holocaust denial” laws.
Jim Condit, Jr. -- WKRC
Mark Weber :: November 5, 2006
Weber provides an update on the prison and legal ordeals of David Irving, Ernst Zundel and Germar Rudolf, and examines the unjust and hypocritical “Holocaust denial” laws under which they and others are fined and imprisoned in Europe. The IHR director appears with host Jim Condit, Jr. on a program broadcast on WKRC, a major Cincinnati radio station, which was also heard worldwide through the station’s website.