Selected Podcasts
Mark Weber :: March 26, 2006 :: American Dissident Voices
Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 3
The Bush administration’s push for war against Iran, Tehran’s nuclear program, and more, are discussed by the IHR director in this interview, “Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 3.” Everywhere, says Weber, awareness is growing of the reality and dangerous impact of Jewish-Zionist power. One expression of this is the new “Israel Lobby” paper by professors Walt and Mearsheimer, which Weber quotes.
Mark Weber :: March 26, 2006 :: American Dissident Voices
Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 2
“Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 2”: In this lively interview, the IHR director explains how the recent sentencing of British historian David Irving to 3 years in prison for “Holocaust denial” is helping the cause of freedom, and how the Holocaust remembrance campaign is losing effectiveness. Weber also speaks about President Bush’s disastrously wrong-headed “war on terror,” the deceitful neo-con push for a new war against Iran, and the shifting place of “terrorism” in history.
Mark Weber :: March 19, 2006 :: American Dissident Voices
Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 1
Weber reports on the 3-year prison sentence given to historian David Irving for years-old remarks about “mythical” gas chambers at Auschwitz . The sentence prompted wide condemnation of the hypocritical “Holocaust denial” laws in Europe under which Irving and others have been persecuted. In this informative interview, “Thin Ice: Jewish Power in a Changing World, Part 1,” Weber also describes the key Jewish role in pressing for these laws, and reports on the IHR’s recent work.
The Jeff Rense Program
Mark Weber :: February 21, 2006
Weber tells about the 3-year prison sentence given to historian David Irving for remarks, made 16 years ago, about “mythical” gas chambers at Auschwitz . Weber also describes the unjust and hypocritical character of the “Holocaust denial” laws in Europe under which Irving and others have been imprisoned, fined and forced into exile.
The Jeff Rense Program
Mark Weber :: November 21, 2005
Historical Revisionism Report, An interview with Mark Weber
Jeff Rense interviews historian Mark Weber on the recent developments in the case of Ernst Zündel, the recent arrest of David Irving in Austria for “denying the Holocaust,” as well as discussing the stature of revisionism in Western society. -
The Jeff Rense Program
Mark Weber :: November 9, 2005
Zündel Trial Report, An interview with Mark Weber
Jeff Rense interviews historian Mark Weber on the recent developments in the case of Ernst Zündel whose trial for “thought crimes” in Germany just began and resulted in startling legal developments. -
My Prerogative Broadcast
Mark Weber :: April 2005
Why do we hear so much about ‘the Holocaust’? In this broadcast of the “My Prerogative” radio show, Mark Weber explains how and why the fate of Europe ’s Jews during World War II plays such an important role in our cultural and political life today. Rick Wood, the show’s skeptical host, keeps Weber on his toes with skeptical comments, questions and come-backs.
Mark Weber :: March 12, 2005 :: American Dissident Voices
Zündel’s Persecution: By Order of the Jews, An interview with Mark Weber, Part 2
Part 2 of an interview with Zündel family spokesman, historian Mark Weber. Ernst Zündel — imprisoned for publicly doubting Zionist myths — personifies the struggle for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of inquiry. His struggle for freedom is our struggle for a decent and free future for our posterity.