Selected Podcasts
Beyond 50 Radio :: Mark Weber :: Nov. 6, 2009
Sixty Years of Presidential Deceit for War
In this focused, hour-long broadcast, IHR director Mark Weber and host Daniel Davies review the long record of deceit by American presidents to generate public support for war, and the complicity of politicians and the media in this deceit. Weber looks at the lies of George W. Bush and other high-ranking US officials for the 2003 bombing and invasion of Iraq, President Johnson’s campaign of deceit to build support for the Vietnam war, and President Franklin Roosevelt’s fear-mongering campaign for war against Germany and Japan.
Radio Free Mississippi :: Mark Weber :: Nov. 4, 2009
Revisionism, Truthful History and ‘the Holocaust’
In a spirited, quick-paced broadcast, Mark Weber and host Jim Giles discuss revisionism, Zionism, Jewish nationalism, and other issues. Weber also tackles blunt questions about “the Holocaust.”
American Forum:: Mark Weber :: Oct. 21, 2009
Historical Revisionism and US-Israel Policy
In this hard-hitting, hour-long broadcast, host Karen Kwiatkowski and Mark Weber discuss historical revisionism, US-Israel relations, the background of US support for Israel, including Pres. Truman’s fateful decision to recognize the new Zionist state, and the corruption of politicians who put their careers ahead of US and world interests. Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., is a retired US Air Force Lt. Colonel who was with the Pentagon’s Near East/South Asia bureau, and worked on policy papers for the Secretary of Defense. She was assigned to the Pentagon’s “Office of Special Plans,” which promoted war with Iraq. Frustrated and alarmed, she wrote an anonymous column of internal dissent that was posted on-line.
Truth Brigade Radio :: Mark Weber :: Oct. 20, 2009
Lies of Globalization
Host Christie Czajkowski and IHR director Weber dissect lies of “Globalization,” and tackle other topical issues.
The Patriot Dames :: Mark Weber :: August 27, 2009
The Hijacking of History / Why Judaism is Different
In this fast-paced hour-long broadcast, host Susie and historian Mark Weber examine the horrific oppression, mass killings and other atrocities inflicted on millions of Germans after the end of fighting in World War II. In the show’s second half, they explain why Judaism is not like other religions, because it’s based on a dangerous “Us vs. Them” mindset.
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: May 12, 2009
The Weight of Tradition
Israel’s inhumane treatment of non-Jews, as well as the often arrogant outlook of the organized Jewish community, reflect a centuries-old mindset that has roots in the Hebrew scriptures (the “Old Testament”). As Weber explains in this hard-hitting broadcast, Judaism is not just “another religion.” Its character and core values are markedly unlike those of Christianity and the other great world religions. Jews are encouraged to regard themselves as separate from the rest of humanity, and as members of a community with interests distinct from those of everyone else.
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: May 5, 2009
An Unknown Holocaust
Weber reviews the little-known story of misery and death imposed by the victors on defeated Germany in the aftermath of World War II. The Allied powers imposed an “unknown holocaust” of destruction, looting, starvation, rape, “ethnic cleansing,” and mass killing. More than 14 million Germans were expelled or forced to flee from eastern and central Europe. Some three million Germans died needlessly — about two million civilians, mostly women, children and elderly, and one million prisoners of war. Weber also highlights the Allied double standard in putting German leaders to death for policies that the Allies themselves were carrying out, sometimes on a far greater scale.
Worldwatch :: Mark Weber :: April 28, 2009
World War II: New Non-Conformist Views
In a presentation packed with startling facts and provocative observations, Weber takes aim at the conventional view of World War II as a conflict between Good and Evil. He reviews and quotes from two recent revisionist books: Human Smoke, by Nicholson Baker, and Churchill, Hitler and `The Unnecessary War’, by Patrick J. Buchanan. Weber tackles a range of widely accepted myths, including the “Big Lie” that Hitler was trying to “conquer the world,” and discredits the iconic image of Winston Churchill as a great statesman