Selected Podcasts
Red Ice Radio :: May 2012
Perspective on War and Conflict: Interview With Mark Weber
Mark Weber speaks about US foreign policy, World War Two, the Israel-Palestine conflict, conspiracy, and more, in this interview with Henrik Palmgren, host and founder of Sweden-based “Red Ice Radio.” The American historian also talks about the origins of World War I and the fateful betrayal of promises by the US and the other victorious powers in the war’s aftermath. He discusses Britain’s deceitful “Balfour Declaration” of 1917, which promised a “Jewish homeland” in Palestine. Leaders in modern “democratic” societies can mobilize public support for war policies, Weber says, only with intense propaganda that appeals to base emotions and which exaggerates alleged dangers. Runtime: 57:43 mins.
Red Ice Radio :: March 2014
Jewish-Zionist Power, Dangerous Double Standards, and Denial of Reality: Interview with Mark Weber
The organized Jewish community wields greater power and influence in the US than any other ethnic or religious group, says Mark Weber, director of the IHR, in this extended interview with Henrik Palmgren, host and founder of Sweden-based “Red Ice Radio.” Weber begins by reporting on the Zionist campaign, headed by a New York politician, against the IHR. Weber goes on to talk about the dangers of applying “morality” to international policy, which in practice means using noble-sounding slogans to justify war and hegemony. Runtime: 55:48 mins.
Paul Foote and Art Olivier :: March 2013
Perspective on Iran: Culture, Religion and Attitudes
Two speakers provide informed perspective on Iran and Iranian society, Islam, religious attitudes in the region, the impact of the US-organized sanctions campaign against Iran, and US policy in the Middle East. Paul Sheldon Foote, a California professor with years of experience in the Middle East, and Art Olivier, a filmmaker and former mayor in southern California who recently visited Iran, address an IHR meeting on March 2, 2013. Dr. Foote, who teaches at California State University, Fullerton, lived for years in Iran and other countries in the region, and for a time worked at the US embassy in Tehran. His insights on Iran, Islam and the Middle East, and on Iranian culture and attitudes, and his pointed remarks on US policy, reflect an exceptionally knowledgeable understanding of the character and history of the region.
Mark Weber :: March 2013
Perspective on Iran: The Push For a New Middle East War
Weber speaks about his recent six- day stay in Tehran (his second visit to Iran), including his role in the “Hollywoodism” conference. Highlights of the visit included many interviews, useful discussions with Iranian scholars and officials, informative talks with writers and opinion-makers from a range of countries, and a well-received address at the international gathering. The American historian also speaks about the campaign of economic warfare and threats against Iran by the US and Israel, the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, the impact of the US-organized sanctions campaign, the push for a new Middle East war, and what all this means for Americans. Weber’s address at an IHR meeting on March 2, 2013, with questions and answer session, is 76 minutes in length.
Mark Weber :: November 2012
Hoover’s Devastating Critique of the US Role in World War II
In a carefully written and well-researched book published nearly 50 years after the author’s death, former president Herbert Hoover details the folly, duplicity and great harm of US policy during World War II, and persuasively debunks the popular, entrenched view of America’s role in the global clash as the “good war.” In a book he considered his most important, Freedom Betrayed, Hoover examines president Franklin Roosevelt’s record of deceit and lawlessness in promoting war in Europe, pushing the US into war, and aligning the US with Stalin’s tyrannical regime. Hoover, one of the best informed and most principled public figures of the twentieth century, was devoted to America as a bastion of liberty, and supported a US policy of non-intervention in foreign wars.
Mark Weber :: November 2012
Hoover and Other Historians on America’s Role in World War II
As ever more historians acknowledge, President Franklin Roosevelt broke the law and lied to the American people in a deceitful campaign to promote war in Europe, and then to get the US to join in the “Good War” against Germany. “Freedom Betrayed,” the recently published book by former US President Herbert Hoover, is yet another authoritative debunking of the prevailing, official view of the US role in World War II. America’s purported role as the world’s “leader,” with the right to prod other countries into conforming with US policies and interests, was laid down in the years just before and during World War II by the US government, with critical backing by Hollywood and the American mass media.
Mark Weber :: October 2012
Jewish-Zionist Power in America
A factual, reasoned 16-minute talk on the immense power and influence of the “Jewish lobby” in the US, and its harmful role, especially in directing US Middle East policy. As long as this power remains entrenched, there will be no end to the Jewish-Zionist domination of American political life and the mass media, Zionist oppression of Palestinians, the Israeli threat to peace, and the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle East.
Mark Weber :: October 2012
Reality and Legacy of the 1944 ‘Valkyrie’ Conspiracy to Kill Hitler
In July 1944 a group of German conspirators tried to kill Hitler and violently seize power in Berlin. The conspiracy’s most dynamic figure was Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, who set a bomb to kill Hitler. Although it killed three men and seriously injured others, Hitler survived with only minor burns and bruises. In Germany today the anti-Hitler conspirators are honored as exemplary men of courage, conscience and principle. They are similarly portrayed in a major US motion picture, “Valkyrie,” starring Tom Cruise and Kenneth Branagh. But this idealized portrayal is a “politically correct” distortion of reality. The attempt to assassinate Hitler and seize power was doomed to fail, and in fact collapsed very quickly, because it was poorly planned and ineptly organized, because it was based on a brazen lie, and because the conspirators did not understand the sentiment in the German military and among the German people. They also totally misunderstood the attitude of the Allied leaders, who sought not merely to destroy the Hitler regime, but Germany as a nation. By today’s standards, von Stauffenberg and the other leading conspirators were “Nazis.” They supported the policies and principles of the National Socialist government for at least five years, and only belatedly turned against the Hitler regime.