Selected Podcasts
Mark Weber :: May 2017
Donald Trump’s Erratic and Dangerous Foreign Policy
Weber reviews Donald Trump’s foreign policy record after 100 days as President. This 45-minute talk was given at an IHR meeting, May 6, 2017, in southern California. Trump’s actual policies as president, Weber shows, have been a drastic betrayal of pledges he made before taking office. For example, Trump repeatedly spoke against US military involvement in the Syria conflict, especially without specific Congressional authorization. But as President he has stepped up the US military role in the war, even ordering a missile strike against a Syria air base – a violation of both US law and international law. One promise he’s kept has been his pledge to align US policy most closely with Israel. That alone is a betrayal of his promise of an “America First” policy. For President Trump, Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies. Consistent with that, he has threatened war against Iran. Weber recalls President Eisenhower’s foreign policy and outlook during the 1950s, and shows how they contrast sharply with those of President Trump.
IHR Meeting :: October 2015
Deep-Rooted Problems in US Education: Why the Racial Gap in Achievement Persists
In spite of ambitious and costly programs over the past 50 years, Black and Latino students continue to lag behind White and East Asian students in educational achievement. In talks at this IHR meeting, speakers explain why, and look at other problems in educational life. Robert Walters, author of a new book, says that the many efforts to close the racial gap in educational achievement have all failed because they have been based on the false premise that student achievement is due entirely to socialization, upbringing and environment. Two teachers also speak. They note how educational standards and expectations have been falling, and enliven their talks with observations and colorful anecdotes from years of first-hand experience. Mark Weber also speaks on major problems in US education, and why they persist.
Red Ice Radio :: November 2015
The Paris Attacks, Massive Third World Migration to Europe, and the Politics of Ethnic-Cultural Suicide
In this quick-paced, hour-long broadcast, Mark Weber and host Henrik Palmgren discuss the recent terrorist attack in Paris, and who is responsible. They also look at the migrant crisis in Europe, and the intensifying strife that is an inevitable consequence of policies that promote “diversity,” “tolerance” and “multiculturalism,” and which are hastening Europe’s ethnic-cultural death. US intervention in the Middle East in recent years, especially the invasion and occupation of Iraq, along with the US alliances with Saudi Arabia and Israel, betray the principles the US claims to uphold, and have all but destroyed American credibility.
The Jeff Rense Program :: October 2015
The Migrant Crisis in Europe, the Calamity of American Education, and More
In this lively session, Mark Weber and seasoned radio host Jeff Rense discuss the migrant crisis in Europe, the decline in achievement and standards in the US educational system, the lack of reality in American policies, both domestic and international, and the systemic lack of accountability of political leaders in the US –style democracy. Runtime: 49 mins.
Mark Weber :: April-May 2015
The Danger and Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power
[ Address given in London, England, and, slightly modified, in Guadalajara, Mexico. Runtime: 33 mins. ] … As long as the power of what Desmond Tutu calls “the very powerful” Jewish lobby remains entrenched, there will be no end to the systematic Jewish distortion of history and current affairs, the Jewish-Zionist domination of the US political system and the American media, Zionist oppression of Palestinians, the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle East, and the Israeli threat to peace. That’s why no task is more important or pressing than to identify, counter and break this power.
Mark Weber :: April 2015
The Crisis of the West: Looking Ahead in an Age of Darkness
In this closely reasoned and spirited address, American historian Mark Weber examines the accelerating crisis of the West, and the factors behind the malaise, distrust and anxiety that have spread across the Western world. He looks at what this means for those who care about the heritage and future of the West, and outlines prospects for the future. Given at a meeting on April 18, 2015, in central Stockholm organized by Logik Förlag publishers (Sweden) in cooperation with Counter-Currents Publishing (USA). About 130 people, many in their twenties and thirties, gathered for this conference. Some attendees traveled from Norway, Denmark and Britain. Runtime: 34 mins.
Mark Weber :: Nov. 2014
Behind Europe’s Malaise and Growing Discontent: Observations From A Recent Visit
Weber reports on his recent three-week visit to Britain, Hungary, and France in this talk at an IHR meeting in southern California, Nov. 1, 2014. He reviews the profound cultural and demographic changes across western Europe over the past 60 years, including the dramatic dissolution of traditional values, and the accelerating “third-worldization” of major cities. He reports on what he observed and did, including meetings and talks with activists, writers, and publishers, and his spirited, well-received address at a “London Forum” gathering, as well as a talk at an IHR meeting in northern Virginia. He also provides an interesting overview of modern Hungarian history. Runtime: One hour and 24 minutes
Mark Weber :: Sept. 2014
The Accelerating Crisis of the West, and Prospects for the Future
An energetically presented talk by historian and IHR director Mark Weber, with informed, eye-opening perspective on America, Europe and the world. Given at a “London Forum” meeting, Sept. 27, 2014, with introduction by Jez Turner. Runtime: 58 mins.