Crackdown Against VHO in Belgium
The Foundation Vrij Historisch Onderzoek was dissolved by court on Feb. 22, 2002, and the VHO post office box address was closed. Our new postal address is: Postbus 46, B-2600 Berchem 1, Belgium.
Some people are putting pressure on the government to stop our activities altogether and because of legal problems this is likely to happen this year. Nearly five years ago half of our stock was seized, and since then we have not had an opportunity to defend our case in any court. We have also had to contend with minor seizures, interrogations, and so forth.
In fact, VHO activities are being continued under the similar name Vogelvrij Historisch Onderzoek ( The Dutch word “Vogelvrij” has two meanings: “free as a bird” and “living like an outlaw,” which is how revisionists in Europe today are obliged to live.
With regard to the article by Brian Renk in the Sept.-Dec. 2001 Journal, “Convergence or Divergence?,” p. 43, col. 1, final sentence: Renk writes that Germar Rudolf had earlier established that the three objects on the roof are all on the southern half of the roof. Actually, it was not Rudolf, but rather Jean-Marie Boisdefeu, a Belgian revisionist researcher, who discovered all this. He also described this extensively, with illustrations, in his two-volume book La Controverse sur L’extermination des juifs par les Allemands, published by VHO (1996 and 1998).
S. Verbeke
Berchem, Flanders, Belgium
From The Journal of Historical Review, March/April (Vol. 21, No. 2), page 40.