The Journal of Historical Review, Volume 5 (1984)
Volume 5 number 1 (Spring 1984)
The Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth Within A Myth, Friedrich Paul Berg, Page: 15
‘Der Auschwitz Mythos’: A Book and Its Fate in the German Federal Republic, Wilhelm Stäglich, Page: 47
Stalin’s War: Victims and Accomplices (Review), Charles Lutton, Page: 84
Jesse Owens: Myth and Reality, Mark Weber, Page: 123-125
Select Bibliography: Works on Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, Keith Stimely, Page: 175
Volume 5 no. 2, 3, and 4 (Winter 1984)
From the Publisher, Page: 24
Oswald Mosley Reconsidered, Keith Stimely, Page: 134
Sir Oswald Mosley: Briton, Fascist, European, Robert Row, Page: 139
The Atlantic Charter Smokescreen — History As A Press Release, Charles Lutton, Page: 203
The ‘Holocaust’ and the Failure of Allied and Jewish Responses, K. C. Gleason, Page: 215-239
American Policy Toward Europe: The Fateful Change, Karl Otto Braun, Page: 241-249
On Contemporary History and Historiography, David Irving, Page: 251
A Challenge to David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Page: 289
Encountering the Revisionists, Elisabeth Kuesters, Page: 307
Ronald Reagan’s Political and Cultural Folklore, Darryl Hattenhauer, Page: 325
Beyond Year Zero: The Pursuit of Peace Through War, James J. Martin, Page: 349
‘The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange, Page: 367
Why The Goyim? (Review), L. A. Rollins, Page: 375
Thrusting the Stake into Lemkin’s Bleeding Heart (Review), Samuel E. Konkin III, Page: 388
The War Between The Generals / Overlord (Reviews), Charles Lutton, Page: 397
Dönitz: The Last Führer (Review), H. Keith Thompson, Page: 405
Der Zweite Weltkrieg: Ursachen Und Anlass (Review), Russ Granata, Page: 408
Hungary’s Uprising Against Soviet Rule , Charles Lutton, Page: 411
National Socialism and Fascism: Recent Books in Brief, Keith Stimely, Page: 415
His Master’s Voice: Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Travers Harris, 1892-1984, Charles Lutton, Page: 431
An Interview with Hellmut Diwald, Page: 434
Albert Speer and the ‘Holocaust’, Mark Weber, Page: 439
Uproar in Clio’s Library: The Case Of Dr. David Abraham And ‘The Collapse Of The Weimar Republic’, Keith Stimely, Page: 440
Percy L. Greaves, Jr., 1906-1984, J. Marcellus, Page: 444
Austin T. App, 1902-1984, Keith Stimely, Page: 446