The Truth About the Stock Market, and What It Means for You
David Stockman
The fundamental consequence of 30 years of Fed fueled financial asset inflation is that the prices of stocks and bonds have way overshot the mark. That’s why what lies ahead is a long stretch of losses and investor disappointment as the fat years give way to the lean … Hence, the $32 trillion of excess stock market valuation hangs over the financial system like a Sword of Damocles … Back in October 2007, the stock market’s capitalization was 106% of GDP, and in just 14 years it has soared to the aforementioned 204%. So even as the growth rate of the US economy has been cut in half, stock market capitalization has doubled.
How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory
Patrick J. Buchanan
As 1991 turned into 1992, America appeared to have arrived at the apogee of its national power and world prestige … These then, are three of the historic blunders that have forfeited for us the unique position America held at the close of the Cold War. First, alienating Russia by treating it as an incorrigible and permanent enemy by pushing our alliance onto its front porch. Second, pursuing a globalist trade policy that China exploited to become an economic and military rival of the United States. Third, America’s plunge into the Middle East, with our forever wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and then Syria, Libya and Yemen. They availed us nothing and led only to death and destruction. Of the passing of that preeminence we had in 1991, let it be said: We did it to ourselves.
Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl
Whitney Webb
Absent from mainstream discourse on Ghislaine Maxwell’s ongoing trial is any mention of the ties, not only of herself, but her family, to Israeli intelligence. Those ties, forged by Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell, are critical to understanding Ghislaine’s history and her role in Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail and trafficking network / … Going hand in hand with the blackmail angle of this case is the specter of Ghislaine Maxwell’s family ties to intelligence agencies, as well as the intelligence ties of Jeffrey Epstein himself. Given that blackmail, particularly sexual blackmail, has been used by intelligence agencies – particularly in the US and Israel – since the 1940s and beyond, it is deeply troubling that neither the blackmail or intelligence angle has played any role in the prosecution’s case or in the mainstream media’s coverage of the trial.
Edward O. Wilson, the pioneering Harvard biologist who advanced the provocative theory that human behavior such as war and altruism has a genetic basis and warned against the decline of ecosystems, has died. He was 92. Wilson was “called ‘Darwin’s natural heir,’ and was known affectionately as ‘the ant man’ for his pioneering work as an entomologist” … The professor and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning author first gained widespread attention for his 1975 book, “Sociobiology: The New Synthesis,” in which he spelled out the evidence suggesting a link between human behavior and genetics. The work created a storm of controversy among activists and fellow academics who equated sociobiology’s groundbreaking theories with sexism, racism and Nazism.
A Better Way in the Middle East
Trita Parsi – The American Prospect
Convinced that the U.S. has lost faith in the strategic value of the Middle East, prime ministers and kings alike are scrambling to find their strategic footing in the region. Amidst the confusion and uncertainty of a world without American protection, two models are emerging … Regional diplomatic efforts in the Middle East have intensified dramatically in the past year, though they have garnered little attention in the United States … The most consequential dialogue, however, is arguably that between Tehran, Riyadh, and Abu Dhabi, courtesy of Iraqi facilitation … Recognizing that the U.S. military was no longer at their disposal, the attacks prompted Saudi Arabia and the UAE to try secret diplomacy with Iran instead.
BBC Ranked Third on Wiesenthal Center’s 'Global Antisemitism Top Ten List’
Israel National News / Arutz Sheva
The Simon Wiesenthal Center has ranked the BBC third on its yearly “Global Antisemitism Top Ten List.” Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told the Daily Mail that it might come as a surprise to see the BBC on their list. But he noted that “the decision to place the BBC at number three came after months of intense debate and discussion.” “We believe the BBC has been guilty of several incidences of antisemitism during the past year,” Rabbi Hier said “… The BBC is there because when a globally recognized organization allows antisemitism to creep into its reporting, it makes it all the more insidious and dangerous.” He added: “People around the world trust the BBC and rely on it for truthful reporting of world events.”
One Story of Deportation to the Death Camps of Siberia
E. B. Anderson – The Baltic Times
In 1940, the U.S.S.R. invaded and occupied Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. This month [June] marks the anniversary of the first mass deportations from the Baltic states, when the Soviets arrested more than 60,000 people in June 1941 and sent them to prisons and labor camps in northern Russia and Siberia. What follows is one woman’s experience of what happened … During their nearly five decades of occupation, the Soviets killed or deported by some estimates half a million Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian men, women and children. But this was only a fraction of the tens of millions of people in the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe whom the communists subjected to the midnight knock on the door, arrest, intentionally created famine and starvation, mass deportations, imprisonment, torture, slave labor, or execution.
Soviet Russia's Persecution of Latvia
Alexander V. Berkis – Institute for Historical Review
The focus of this paper is the oppression and persecution which the rulers of the Soviet Union inflicted on the Baltic nation of Latvia, from its declaration of independence in 1918 to 1987. The Red Army invaded and occupied Latvia three times in seventy years. Its last aggression, in 1944, resulted in continuing, illegal Soviet occupation of Latvia. Each Soviet incursion was accompanied by mass killings and deportations of Latvians, and Soviet authorities sought to destroy Latvian nationhood by the illegal annexation of Latvia to the USSR and through measures aimed at eradicating the Latvians’ historical, cultural, and religious traditions.
Gabriel Boric, a 35-year-old left-wing lawmaker who has been sharply critical of Israel and Chilean Jews who support it, was elected president of Chile in a landslide victory this weekend. Boric, who came to fame as a student leader, won with 56% of the vote, 12 points over his conservative rival, José Antonio Kast, a right-wing pro-Israel politician. The election left many Chilean Jews feeling uneasy … Most Jews seemed to be siding with Kast, telling the Jewish Telegraphic Agency last month that their community was experiencing “a feeling of siege.” … Boric’s criticism of Israel is longstanding. As a lawmaker, he supported a bill proposing to boycott Israeli goods from the Golan, West Bank settlements, and areas of Jerusalem that came under in Israeli control in 1967.
Violent Attacks by Settlers Against Palestinians in the West Bank Are Up Nearly 50% From Last Year
Violent attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank are nothing new. But the phenomenon has reached alarming new level of frequency this year. Violent attacks perpetrated by [Jewish] settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank exceeding last year’s attacks by nearly 50%, according to a report by The Times of Israel. In 2021, there have been 397 attacks so far, compared to 272 in 2020, The Times of Israel reported based on data from the Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security agency … Dozens of videos of violent attacks and photos of bloodied farmers and shepherds and the Israeli activists who sometimes accompany them were shared to social media this year.
The Story of the WWI Christmas Truce
M. Dash - Smithsonian
It has become a great legend of World War I. But what really happened when British and German troops emerged from their trenches that Christmas Day? / … During the first Christmas of the war, a few brief hours during which men from both sides on the Western Front laid down their arms, emerged from their trenches, and shared food, carols, games and comradeship. Their truce –the famous Christmas Truce– was unofficial and illicit … While it lasted, though, the truce was magical … The most detailed estimate, made by Malcolm Brown of Britain’s Imperial War Museums, is that the truce extended along at least two-thirds of British-held trench line that scarred southern Belgium. Even so, accounts of a Christmas Truce refer to a suspension of hostilities only between the British and the Germans.
Henry Kissinger Wasn’t Bad for Israel — He Helped Save It
Martin Indyk - Forward
Henry Kissinger, America’s first Jewish secretary of state, is not too popular with supporters of the Jewish state. Some American Jews resent Kissinger for supposedly holding up arms for Israel during the Yom Kippur War, or for his unsavory comments about fellow Jews captured on Nixon’s Oval Office tapes. Some Israelis revile Kissinger for pressuring Israel to give up territory in Sinai and the Golan. Yet Kissinger, now 98, was no enemy of Israel, but a skilled statesman whose diplomatic strategy helped Israel in fundamental ways. A deep historical review of thousands of declassified documents now available in American and Israeli archives from Kissinger’s time in government reveal that, rather than undermining the nascent Jewish state, he did much to ensure its survival and well-being.
Giant Aztec Skull 'Tower' Unearthed in Mexico
L. Geggel – LiveScience
Archaeologists in Mexico City have discovered 119 human skulls arranged in a “trophy” tower that the Aztecs built about 500 years ago, according to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History. The new finding shows just how extensive the tower is; in 2015, researchers discovered part of the tower — thought to be the main trophy site in Aztec’s capital — and since then have found a total of 603 skulls embedded in the structure. The skulls buried there are the remains of sacrificed men, women and children … When the Aztecs were at the height of power during the 15th and early 16th centuries, they ruled an empire from their capital city Tenochtitlán that spanned modern-day central and southern Mexico. At that time, a huge tower of skulls would have been regarded as a sign of prestige and power, the archaeologists said.
Iraq Needs An Independent Government, Not 'Training'
Eric Margolis
… The Britain Empire created Iraq in the 1920’s from the wreckage of the dying Ottoman Empire to secure possession of Mesopotamia’s abundant oil. At the time, the mighty Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil. Iraq became Britain’s vast fuel depot. A new figurehead king from the Hashemite tribes was put into power by London, backed by a local constabulary, British garrison troops and, most effectively, the Royal Air Force … Iraq was one of the most advanced states in the Arab world and a US ally – before 1991. Today, it lies in ruins, smashed to pieces by US airpower, civil wars, and sectarian conflict. President George W. Bush was convinced by militarists, notably Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, after intense pressure from pro-Israel groups in the US and their media accomplices, to invade Iraq.
… In all, at least 290 streets or squares in Berlin are named for people who espoused antisemitic views, according to a new analysis conducted by the city’s commissioner in charge of fighting antisemitism … Antisemitism was a mainstream view for centuries in Germany, meaning that many people who made significant contributions to the broader society may have expressed antisemitic views … The report notes several streets that are named for people who became active in the resistance to the Nazi regime but previously expressed antisemitic views.
What to Do About That Russian Ultimatum
Patrick J. Buchanan
“Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay out of our backyard.” This might stand as a crude summary of two draft security pacts Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei A. Ryabkov delivered last week as Russia’s price for resolving the crisis created by those 100,000 Russian troops on Ukraine’s borders. Ryabkov’s demands appear to be a virtual ultimatum, designed to be rejected by the U.S. and NATO and provide Moscow with a pretext for an invasion and occupation of part or all of Ukraine … A Russian-Ukrainian war, which Kyiv would almost surely lose, would prove a disaster for both nations.
Joe Biden, Let’s Not Go to War
Sheldon Richman
Here’s a good idea: let’s not go to war against Russia. Let’s not even rattle a saber at Russia (or China, for that matter) because even wars that no one really wants can be blundered into. Many losers would be left in the aftermath, even if nuclear weapons were kept out of sight, but no one would win … The crisis du jour is Ukraine; before that, it was Georgia, both former Soviet republics. For some inexplicable reason, Russia’s rulers get nervous when the U.S. foreign policy elite treats Russian historical security concerns as of no consequence.
Meet the (One-Sided) Press
Paul W. Lovinger
When President Biden held his two-hour conversation with his counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on December 7, the American news media dutifully repeated what the White House had released: a warning by Biden to leave Ukraine alone – or else! But didn’t Putin have anything to tell Biden? Is there a Russian side to the matter? Not as far as some media are concerned.
Christmas in Bethlehem is usually a festive and colorful season. This year, festivities in the Palestinian town are set to return — but the COVID pandemic is still casting a shadow on the celebrations. Bagpipes, trumpets and drums can be heard from far away. It’s early evening here in Beit Sahour, a small town close to Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Young Palestinian musicians from one of the local Scout groups are practicing their formations on the sports field near the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the predominantly Christian city … Bethlehem, which is separated from neighboring Jerusalem by a concrete barrier, celebrates Christmas several times to accommodate the calendars of different Christian denominations.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians That Nobody is Talking About
Ramzy Baroud - CounterPunch
Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel … The number of Christian inhabitants of Palestine has dropped by nearly ten-fold in the last 70 years. A population census carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2017 concluded that there are 47,000 Palestinian Christians living in Palestine – with reference to the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. 98 percent of Palestine’s Christians live in the West Bank – concentrated mostly in the cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jerusalem … The most optimistic estimates place the overall number of Palestinian Christians in the whole of Occupied Palestine at less than two percent.
The Christmas Truce of 1914
The Christmas Truce occurred on and around Christmas Day 1914, when the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front during World War I in favor of holiday celebrations. During the unofficial ceasefire, soldiers on both sides of the conflict emerged from the trenches and shared gestures of goodwill. Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops fighting in World War I sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines … The so-called Christmas Truce of 1914 came only five months after the outbreak of war in Europe and was one of the last examples of the outdated notion of chivalry between enemies in warfare. It was never repeated …
Zionist ADL Condemns Trump for 'Anti-Semitic Tropes'
The Guardian
The chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League led condemnation of Donald Trump after the former president used antisemitic tropes in remarks about American Jews and Israel. “Insinuating that Israel or the Jews control Congress or the media is antisemitic, plain and simple,” Jonathan Greenblatt said. “Unfortunately, this is not the first time he has made these offensive remarks.” … “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress,” he [Trump] said, “and today I think it’s the exact opposite.” .., Trump also said “they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times” and claimed the newspaper “hates Israel” … The American Jewish Committee said: “Why is Mr Trump once again fueling dangerous stereotypes about Jews?”,..
Retired Generals Urge Military to 'War-Game' Against US Citizens
The Western Journal
With the one-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 incursion into the United States Capitol less than a month away, three retired Army generals called on leaders to take preventive measures, including to “war game” a “post-election insurrection or coup” attempts. “The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines – from the top of the chain to squad level – is significant should another insurrection occur,” former Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen. Steven Anderson and former Major Gen. Antonio Tagubathe wrote in The Washington Post on Friday in an opinion column raising the disturbing prospect of the U.S. military training for a confrontation against fellow Americans. The generals went on to write, “The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the ‘rightful’ commander in chief cannot be dismissed.”
Three retired U.S. generals warned in a chilling column Friday that another coup attempt in America in 2024 could divide the military and plunge an unprepared nation into civil war. “With the country still as divided as ever, we must take steps to prepare for the worst,” wrote former Army Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen. Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba. As the nation nears the first anniversary of the Capitol riot, the generals are “increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk,” they wrote in The Washington Post. “In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time,” they added.
Jerusalem Church Leaders Warn ‘Radical Groups’ Driving Christians From Holy Land
The Times of Israel
Christian leaders in the Holy Land have issued warnings that their communities are under threat of being driven from the region by extremist Israeli radical groups, urging dialogue to discuss preserving their presence. Fr. Francesco Patton, the Catholic Church’s Custos of the Holy Land and guardian of the Christian holy places in the Holy Land, wrote in an opinion piece published Saturday by the UK’s Daily Telegraph that “our presence is precarious and our future is at risk.” Last week, the patriarchs and heads of churches in Jerusalem issued a joint statement similarly warning of the danger posed by radical groups they said are aiming at “diminishing the Christian presence.” Patton wrote that in recent years, the lives of many Christians have been made “unbearable by radical local groups with extremist ideologies.”
Former President Donald Trump in a newly released interview, claimed that Jewish Americans “either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” while also suggesting that evangelical Christians “love Israel more than the Jews in this country.” Trump’s comments are the latest in a series of controversial remarks he has been known to make about Jewish Americans … He told conservative radio host Ari Hoffman that “Israel literally owned Congress…10 years ago, 15 years ago… and today it’s almost the opposite.” … “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress, and today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that,” Trump charged. … In the same interview, Trump suggested that The New York Times “hates Israel” even though “they’re Jewish people that run The New York Times.”
Israel’s Dominance of Washington
Philip Giraldi
… Joe Biden and his all-Jewish State Department team have toyed with reentering into the nuclear agreement (JCPOA) with Iran by way of indirect talks taking place in Vienna, but the game being played out has been a fraud right from the beginning. Biden believed it to be politically expedient to promise to pick up the pieces of what was once genuinely regarded as a significant Barack Obama Administration success which would have inhibited any possible Iranian nuclear proliferation. But the real agenda has been political, i.e. not to cut a deal with Iran but rather to blame Trump for a major foreign policy blunder. There has never been any real intention to return to the status quo ante with Iran because it would also require Israel’s approval, which is not forthcoming.
Biden’s Efforts to Appease Israel on Iran Have Failed on All Fronts
Trita Parsi - Responsible Statecraft
… Biden’s immense efforts to appease Israel in hopes of tempering the latter’s opposition to the [2015 Iran nuclear agreement] JCPOA have not only failed but were likely based on faulty assumptions and were thus a mistake from the outset … The details of the deal are not the real problem. It’s rather the very idea of Washington and Tehran reaching any agreement that not only prevents Iran from developing a bomb, but also reduces U.S.-Iran tensions and lifts sanctions that have prevented Iran from enhancing its regional power … The moral of the story is this: U.S. and Israeli interests on Iran diplomacy are irreconcilable. Biden’s efforts to square the circle have predictably failed. Biden must choose whether he will pursue America’s interest or Israel’s.
Kol Nidrei: What It Is and Where It Came From
J. Berman – Baltimore Jewish Times
… Commonly translated as “all vows,” Kol Nidrei asks God to retroactively absolve the [Jewish] community’s vows that were made, either mistakenly or under duress, over the previous year, said Cantor Melanie Blatt of Beth El Congregation of Baltimore in an email. It also asks forgiveness for any such vows in the year to come. The origins of Kol Nidrei go at least as far back as 9th century Babylonia … The service may have been particularly relevant during Medieval times, when it could be fairly common for Jews to make vows of conversion to another religion on pain of death, Blatt explained … In the past, some rabbis have found the liturgy of the Kol Nidrei prayer to be problematic, as some could potentially interpret it as permitting congregants to take their vows less than seriously. Some rabbis also viewed it as possible fuel for antisemitism …
Washington DC school officials say a staff member who allegedly forced young students to re-enact events from the Holocaust has been placed on leave. The alleged re-enactment by eight- and nine-year-olds included shootings and digging of mass graves, with one child assigned to act as Adolf Hitler. DC Public Schools confirmed the incident to the BBC and said an investigation was underway. In an apology, the school said this was not part of an approved lesson plan … Parents quoted by the Washington Post claimed that some children were forced to act as if they were shooting their classmates and pretend they were on transportation trains or gas chambers. One parent cited by the paper alleged that the instructor told students that the Holocaust took place “because the Jews ruined Christmas”.
Despite Rhetoric, U.S.-Saudi Arms Deal Shows That Little Has Changed
M. Arrira - Mondoweiss
After Saudi agents murdered Jamal Khashoggi and chopped up his body in 2018, Joe Biden said that the country’s government had to “pay the price” and be treated like the “pariah that they are.” Back then Biden was merely a presidential candidate, but now that he’s in The White House things have predictably shifted. The administration is currently trying to sell the authoritarian regime $650 million worth of missiles and missile launchers. There’s been a robust congressional effort to block this sale, with lawmakers citing Saudi Arabia’s abysmal human rights record and brutal war against Yemen. In many ways these politicians are merely asking Biden to live up to his own rhetoric. Not only did he criticize the Saudi government on the campaign, he also promised to end the Yemen war upon being elected.
In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace
Pew Research Center
The religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid clip. In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009. Both Protestantism and Catholicism are experiencing losses of population share. Currently, 43% of U.S. adults identify with Protestantism, down from 51% in 2009. And one-in-five adults (20%) are Catholic, down from 23% in 2009.
Details of Massacres Against Palestinians Revealed in Classified Israeli Documents
Middle East Monitor
Israeli government discussions on the massacres perpetrated by Israeli soldiers in 1948 were declassified for the first time this week in an investigative report published by Haaretz and the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research … The report exposes two large-scale operations launched by the army in October 1948, one based in the south, known as Operation Yoav, which opened a road to the Negev; and another in the north, Operation Hiram. As part of the latter, within 30 hours Israeli soldiers attacked dozens of Palestinian villages, forcefully expelling tens of thousands of Palestinian residents, while thousands of others fled. Nearly 120,000 Palestinians, including the elderly, women and children resided in the area, however, following Israel’s massacre only 30,000 Palestinians were left.
Are Autocrats Always Adversaries?
Patrick J. Buchanan
When did the political systems of 193 nations become the business of the government of the United States? And who elected us Americans to write the moral code for the regimes that rule other lands? Consider: On taking office, President Joe Biden pledged to center his foreign policy “on the defense of democracy and the protection of human rights.” At his Summit for Democracy, he said it was America’s intent to undertake the bolstering of democracy and human rights worldwide … It is Biden who sees the world as divided between saints and sinners, democrats and autocrats and, by coercion and conversion, seeks to grow the camp of the saints … In the great power struggle of the present, among America, Russia and China, it is the Americans who are waging relentless ideological wars. And ideological wars often end in shooting wars.
… While other billionaires’ media empires are relatively well known, the extent to which Gates’s cash underwrites the modern media landscape is not. After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress can reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects. Recipients of this cash include many of America’s most important news outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic … Together, these donations total $166,216,526. The money is generally directed towards issues close to the Gateses hearts.
Jussie Smollett and the 'Time of Deceit'
Jonathan Turley
Below is my column in USA Today on the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett verdict and what the case says about our state of both politics and journalism … The insistence by some that he is innocent shows how our national dialogue has become decoupled from facts. It simply does not matter that Smollett was clearly and inescapably guilty. He has to be innocent to fit a narrative so he is innocent in the view of some. … The guilty verdict in the trial of Jussie Smollett was hardly a surprise to anyone who followed the evidence rather than the coverage of the case … While politicians and celebrities can be dismissed as transparently opportunistic or shallow figures, one would hope that the media would “pay attention” to the actual facts. In today’s “advocacy journalism,” that was equally naïve.
Trump-Biden and the Foreign Policy Establishment’s Nightmare
Ted Snider - Antiwar.com
US foreign policy for Europe and Asia since the Second World War can be captured in one sentence: Keep Europe from Russia and Russia from China. Trump and the Republicans damaged the first part; Biden, Clinton, and the Democrats damaged the second. In so doing, the two parties have inadvertently collaborated in accomplishing the very thing they set out to prevent … Russia and China have now formed a comprehensive strategic partnership in which they have pledged never to go against each other … Military cooperation between the two countries has reached an all-time high level with joint naval exercises, joint bomber patrols and joint military exercises that fully integrated their militaries with joint command and control systems. And recently, on November 23, Russia and China committed to even greater military ties.
France on the Verge of Civil War: The Rise of Éric Zemmour
Christopher Caldwell - Claremont Review of Books
… Over the past half-century, France has made a number of opinions illegal to hold, and it can be hard to know for sure when you’re expressing one. The 1972 Pleven Law narrowed freedom of opinion and authorized certain non-governmental lobbies to haul citizens before the court for racism. A 1990 law bans Holocaust denial. It has been interpreted under European law to ban “relativization” and “minimization” of “crimes against humanity.” … France is more and more Muslim, especially in its cities. In the past ten years, according to sociologist Pierre Vermeren, the giving of Muslim names to newborns has tripled. Up to a fifth of the soldiers in the French armed forces are Muslim … In a wide-ranging poll last summer, Le Monde found that three quarters of the citizenry believe France is in decline … Only 26% of French people trust the media.
… Though Beijing has grown more aggressive in recent years, it has shown no interest in conquering other nations. China contests some territories held by Japan, Philippines, and Vietnam, not these nations’ independence … Americans should sympathize with Taiwan, but that does not mean they should go to war for Taiwan … Taiwan is not a security interest for the US, certainly not one important enough to warrant war with a nuclear-armed power. The island is as close to China as Cuba is to America, which makes Taiwan a vital interest to the PRC, not the US. Denying Beijing access to the island would be advantageous … “The U.S. commitment to Taiwan is simultaneously the most perilous and least strategically necessary commitment that the United States has today.”
Europe is Not Offering Viable Solutions at Vienna Nuclear Talks, Iran Diplomat Says
The Times of Israel
Iran said Sunday that European countries have failed to offer constructive proposals to help salvage a tattered 2015 nuclear deal, Reuters reported. “European parties fail to come up with any initiatives to resolve differences over the removal of sanctions [on Iran],” Tehran’s top negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, said, according to Iran’s state-run Press TV … Diplomats from Britain, France, and Germany had urged Tehran to come back with “realistic proposals,” after the Iranian delegation made numerous demands two weeks ago that the accord’s other parties deemed unacceptable. Still, Bagheri Kani said on Sunday that good progress had been made that could pave the way for more serious negotiations. “Our path during the negotiation was successful,” Reuters quoted him as saying on Lebanon’s pro-Iranian Al Mayadeen TV.
Innocent at Dachau
Joseph Halow. Book available from IHR
In this moving memoir and carefully researched historical study, an insider tears apart the popular image of the postwar American-run “war crimes” trials of Germans. As a young court reporter at the U.S. war crimes trials held at Dachau, the author returned to the transcripts — and his memories of those proceedings — after more than 40 years for a fresh look at how injustice was done to the defendants, and to historical truth. Incorporates the personal experience of a sensitive American observer and original archival digging to make a major contribution to the study of the postwar trials. Banned in Germany. With dust jacket, 16 photos, and index.
Trump’s Remarkably Critical Views About Israeli Leader Netanyahu Revealed in Newly Released Interview
The Times of Israel
In newly released interview excerpts Saturday, former United States president Donald Trump offered more startlingly frank views on Israel’s leadership during his time in office, a day after he was quoted in an astounding assault on ex-premier Benjamin Netanyahu. In the latest taped comments broadcast by Channel 12, Trump said he believed Netanyahu “did not want to make peace. Never did”; claimed he prevented the Israeli leader from annexing West Bank land (“I got angry and I stopped it”); offered his favorable opinion on Defense Minister Benny Gantz (“I think [he] wanted to make a deal… if he won, I think it would be a lot easier”); and his evolving view on the Israel-Palestinian conflict (“I [had] thought the Palestinians were impossible, and the Israelis would do anything to make peace and a deal. I found that not to be true”).
Israeli Defense Minister Gantz Tells US He Ordered Israeli Military to Prepare an Attack on Iran
D. DeCamp - Antiwar.com
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz told reporters that he notified US officials during meetings in Washington last week that he ordered the Israeli Defense Forces to prepare to attack Iran. The order he gave was to “prepare for the Iranian challenge at the operational level,” Gantz said on the sidelines of a conference in Miami, Florida, that was held Friday. A senior Israeli military source told The Times of Israel that Gantz might have presented a timeline to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin when an Israeli attack could take place. The Israelis have been pushing hard for the Biden administration to abandon indirect negotiations with Iran to revive the nuclear deal that are ongoing in Vienna. Gantz and other officials want the US to expand sanctions and prepare military operations, and it appears that the Americans are listening.
More Than Half of Israelis Support Attacking Iran Without US Backing, New Poll Shows
Middle East Eye
Slightly more than half of Israelis say they would support their country attacking Iran without a “green light” from the United States, according to a poll released on Wednesday by the Israel Democracy Institute. The results come as world powers are locked in increasingly difficult negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme. European diplomats have accused Tehran of backtracking on compromises it made earlier this year in a draft agreement that set the stage for the current round of talks taking place in Vienna … Israeli and US defence chiefs are expected on Thursday to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail and if their nations’ leaders request its, a senior US official told Reuters.
Britain’s intelligence service may have played a role in the 1944 attempt on the life of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, an author has discovered. The unsuccessful Operation Valkyrie plot, which took place on July 20 in the penultimate year of World War Two and was masterminded by senior German officer Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, led to a planted suitcase bomb being detonated inside Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair headquarters … Up until now, the assassination attempt, which was immortalised in 2008 Hollywood thriller Valkyrie, was believed to have been the sole work of Germans … But a previously top-secret file which had until recently lain unread in the National Archives since it was declassified in 2007 has revealed that conspirator Otto John, a German lawyer, was working for MI6 when the attack took place.
Reality and Legacy of the 1944 'Valkyrie' Conspiracy to Kill Hitler
Mark Weber – Video
In July 1944 a group of German conspirators tried to kill Hitler and violently seize power in Berlin. In the US and Germany today, the anti-Hitler conspirators are portrayed as men of exemplary courage, conscience and principle. This prevailing, “politically correct” idealization, Weber explains, is a gross distortion of reality. By today’s standards, von Stauffenberg and the other leading conspirators were “Nazis.” They supported the policies and principles of the National Socialist government for at least five years, and only belatedly turned against the Hitler regime. Runtime: 50 mins.
Americans’ Trust in the Military Falls to Less Than 50%, New Poll Shows
K. B. Vlahos - Responsible Statecraft
Americans’ trust in what used to be our supposedly most trustworthy institution — the U.S. military — continues to plummet, according to a new poll by a leading conservative Republican organization. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute found that only 45 percent of Americans polled have “a great deal of trust” in the military, plummeting from 70 percent just two years ago, and down from 56 percent just eight months ago in March. This is higher, however, than the 2021 Gallup poll, which found that 37 percent of Americans have “a great deal” of confidence in the military or “quite a lot” (32 percent). These were the lowest marks since at least 2001. .. Only 40 percent polled by the Reagan Foundation said they had confidence in the leadership to act in a professional and non-political manner.
Putin Sets a New Red Line on NATO Expansion: Broken US Promises
Ted Snider - Responsible Statecraft
It is possible to actually measure Washington’s dishonesty. How big is it? It’s about 600 miles. In 1990, according to declassified documents, Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch” east of Germany. Thirty years ago, that was Russia’s red line. On December 2, that red line moved from one inch to 600 miles as Vladimir Putin said he would now seek a promise that NATO would not expand further east to Ukraine. Since these assurances, NATO has wandered its way through Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Poland. Six hundred miles of broken pledges have brought the U.S. and NATO to the border of Ukraine.
Swedish Scientists Prosecuted for Finding that Most Rapes are Committed by Immigrants
D. Deme - Remix
… A recent case in Lund University is now serving as a clear-cut example of what happens when researchers try to gather scientific evidence regarding issues that might not support the officially sanctioned political narrative … This is what has happened to Professor Kristina Sundquist from Sweden’s Lund University, who alongside two other colleagues, conducted detailed research into the profile of those who commit sexual violence in Sweden … Sundquist, who is the most cited professor at her university regarding social research, is now being investigated for publishing an unauthorized research report, and may face prosecution for coming to the conclusion that the vast majority of rapes are committed by immigrants to the country.
CAIR Director and Former Women’s March Leader Calls Pro-Israel Groups ‘Enemies’
Washington Free Beacon
The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Bay Area director called pro-Israel Jewish groups and synagogues “enemies” that “are working to harm you” in a speech to a Muslim-American conference in November. Zahra Billoo, CAIR’s San Francisco executive director, urged the audience to oppose “the polite Zionists, the ones that say, ‘Let’s just break bread together’.” She singled out “Zionist synagogues,” campus Hillel groups, and even liberal-leaning Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League as “enemies.” “We need to pay attention to the Anti-Defamation League. We need to pay attention to the Jewish Federation. We need to pay attention to the Zionist synagogues. We need to pay attention to the Hillel chapters on our campuses,” said Billoo …
Wisconsin Democrat Fundraises With 'Anti-Semite' Valerie Plame
Washington Free Beacon
A swing-district Wisconsin Democrat fundraised on Wednesday with failed congressional candidate Valerie Plame, who has blamed Jews for America’ wars. Deb McGrath, who is running for Congress in the state’s Third Congressional District, hosted the virtual fundraiser with Plame. The event’s invitation, obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, shows that supporters were charged up to $1,000. Plame, a former CIA operative, faced criticism in 2017 when she tweeted an article titled, “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars,” which suggested Jews who appear on television should have a “warning label,” “kind of like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison.” In since-deleted tweets, she defended the post, saying “many neocon hawks ARE Jewish.” Plame eventually apologized, however, blaming the tweet on “multitasking.”
Surgeon General Warns of 'Devastating' Youth Mental Health Crisis as Depression and Suicide Rise
J. Mazziotta – People
Young people in the U.S. were already facing increased mental health struggles prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, and after nearly two years with the virus it’s becoming a crisis, the surgeon general said Tuesday. In an extensive, 53-page advisory, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy warned of the “devastating” consequences to young people’s mental health if the issue continues to go unaddressed. Between 2019 and 2021, emergency room visits for suicide attempts went up 51% for young girls, and 4% for boys. Rates of depression and anxiety doubled during that time, with 25% of kids reporting depressive symptoms and 20% with anxiety.
Within hours of the August 25, 2020, shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin — not days, but hours — it was decreed as unquestioned fact in mainstream political and media circles that the shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, was a “white supremacist.” Over the next fifteen months, up to and including his acquittal by a jury of his peers on all charges, this label was applied to him more times than one can count by corporate media outlets as though it were proven fact … Yet all along, there was never any substantial evidence, let alone convincing proof, that it was true … It took his acquittal by a jury who heard all the evidence and testimony for parts of the corporate press to finally summon the courage to point out that what had been Gospel about Rittenhouse for the last fifteen months was, in fact, utterly baseless.
Jussie Smollett’s conviction Thursday for lying to police about a racist, homophobic attack came nearly three years after his report of a horrifying hate crime quickly became part of a polarized political landscape, with people — including the president of the United States — weighing in from all over. A prosecutor said the verdict was “a resounding message by the jury that Mr. Smollett did exactly what we said he did” — recruit two brothers to fake an attack so it could be recorded by a surveillance camera and posted on social media for publicity. The brothers testified that the former “Empire” actor paid them $3,500 for the hoax and gave them lines to yell … The report made headlines around the world and prompted a massive manhunt in Chicago, with roughly two dozen police joining the investigation.
The man who provided the source material for an Ophir-award winning documentary about Nazi architect Albert Speer is challenging the film’s accuracy, claiming the filmmakers put words in his — and Speer’s — mouth. Screenwriter Andrew Birkin, who tape-recorded over 40 hours of conversation with Speer while developing a film adaptation of Speer’s memoir “Inside the Third Reich” in 1971 and 1972, says Vanessa Lapa’s “Speer Goes to Hollywood,” which is structured around their meetings, invents dialogue and freely lifts Speer’s statements from other sources … “Talk about a jaw dropping to the floor,” Birkin said in a Zoom conversation. “There’s a couple of times I said ‘Stop! Stop! Pause the tape’.” Birkin says much of what he was hearing had nothing to do with the conversations he had with Speer.
A journalist and historian has been summoned for questioning in Poland after tweeting that Nazis didn’t want to exterminate Poles during World War II. The probe was launched under the law that bans the denial of Nazi crimes. Katarzyna Markusz, who writes for the Jewish Telegraph Agency and runs the news and culture website Jewish.pl, is due to appear for questioning next week at the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), a Polish state research body that investigates crimes against the Polish nation … In a now-deleted tweet from June, Markusz wrote: “There have never been mass extermination camps for Poles. During the war, they could walk the streets, work, live. Nobody killed them for being Polish.”
What if Hitler Had Never Declared War on America?
Robert Farley - The National Interest
… Was the decision to declare war on the United States, effectively relieving the Roosevelt administration of the responsibility of mobilizing American sentiment for war in Europe, among Hitler’s greatest blunders? Probably not. Washington and Berlin agreed that war was inevitable; the only question was who would fire the first shots. The United States and Germany were at war in all but name well before December 1941 … Germany declared war on the United States not out of a fit of pique, but rather because it believed that the United States was already effectively a belligerent, and that wider operations against the U.S. would help win the war. In particular, the Axis declaration of war enabled an operation that the Germans believed was key to driving Britain out of the conflict; a concerted submarine attack against U.S. commercial shipping.
Why Hitler Declared War on the United States
Institute for Historical Review
Here is the complete text of Hitler’s historic address of Dec. 11, 1941, in which the German leader recounts the reasons for the outbreak of war in September 1939, explains why he decided to strike against the Soviet Union in June 1941, reviews the dramatic course of the war thus far, and deals at length with US President Roosevelt’s hostile policies toward Germany. Hitler details the US government’s increasingly belligerent actions against Germany and Italy, and concludes by announcing that Germany was now joining Japan in war against the United States.
Biden’s Full Plate: Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran
Patrick J. Buchanan
… Russian military pressure on Ukraine, however, is but one of several crises where America finds itself at the center … Still another crisis may be brewing with Iran. This week, CIA Director William Burns said there was no indication that Tehran is attempting to weaponize its nuclear program … Why does Iran not already have the bomb? The answer seems a simple one. While the Iranians have the knowledge, capacity and experience to build a bomb, they have, like Japan, Brazil and South Korea, elected to forgo the option, as the risks inherent in an Iranian bomb are greater than any probable rewards. Not only has the ayatollah declared atomic weapons immoral, but it is difficult to see what Iran would gain from testing a nuclear weapon.
Israel's Reaction to Iran Talks: Too Much Bravado, Too Little Sense
A. Pinkas - Haaretz (Israel)
… The fact is, the 2015 agreement – however imperfect and flawed – did curtail Iran’s nuclear program. The leap forward was done after the U.S. withdrew, with then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s enthusiastic encouragement, and without any alternative policy or set of principles. Former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and former head of the “Iran Project,” Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon, have all conceded that the U.S. withdrawing from the nuclear deal was a negative for Israel.
At least twelve major U.S. cities have broken annual homicide records in 2021 — and there’s still three weeks to go in the year. Of the dozen cities that have already surpassed the grim milestones for killings, five topped records that were set or tied just last year … Philadelphia, a city of roughly 1.5 million people, has had more homicides this year (521 as of Dec. 6) than the nation’s two largest cities, New York (443 as of Dec. 5) and Los Angeles (352 as of Nov. 27). That’s an increase of 13% from 2020, a year that nearly broke the 1990 record. Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, leads the nation with 739 homicides as of the end of November, up 3% from 2020 … The nation saw a 30% increase in murder in 2020, the largest single-year jump since the bureau began recording crime statistics 60 years ago.
Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’ Is a Joke
Ron Paul
On December 9-10 President Biden will preside over an online “Summit for Democracy,” which claims it will “bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action.” What a joke. This is not about promoting democracy. It’s really about undermining democracy worldwide with US interventionist foreign policy … Much of the world has seen through the pettiness of such an infantile approach … The US is in the business of undermining democracy overseas, not promoting it.
In this 100-minute “Guide to Kulchur” session, Mark Weber and host Fróði Midjord discuss Stalin’s War, an important new book that dismantles the widely accepted “official” view of World War II. In this 825-page work, US historian Sean McMeekin shows that the conflict that engulfed Europe in 1939-1940 is one that Stalin wanted, not Hitler. Stalin had already struck against six countries, and had built an enormous air, land and naval force for further aggression, when German and German-allied forces struck against the USSR. McMeekin also shows how President Roosevelt’s delusional view of the Soviet regime drove policies that brought oppression and misery to many millions. Massive US military and economic aid to the beleaguered Stalinist regime, McMeekin details, rescued the Soviet empire. Weber explains how World War II has profoundly shaped how Americans think of themselves and their country’s role in the world.
Playing With Fire on Russia’s Borders
Patrick J. Buchanan
… A NATO alliance built around Article V — the declaration that a Russian attack on any one of 30 nations will be regarded as an attack on the United States and answered by military action by the United States — is an anachronistic pledge that belongs to a dead era. After all, the only war that NATO, “the most successful alliance in history,” ever fought, Afghanistan, it lost and left after 20 years. Let the nations of Eastern Europe solve their problems without the constant intervention of the United States. Given the disastrous record of the neocon wars of the 21st century, the U.S., facing every new crisis, ought to ask itself before acting: Why is this quarrel any of our business?
No Evidence Iran Has Decided to Weaponize Nuclear Program, CIA Chief Says
The Times of Israel
The head of the Central Intelligence Agency said Monday that the United States does not have evidence that Iran has made a decision to weaponize its nuclear program. The US spy agency “doesn’t see any evidence that Iran’s Supreme Leader [Ali Khamenei] has made a decision to move to weaponize,” CIA Director William Burns told the Wall Street Journal’s annual CEO Council, according to CBS News. Iran has been accelerating its nuclear enrichment in recent months in what some analysts believe is a negotiation tactic in the ongoing Vienna talks aimed at reviving the multilateral nuclear accord known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA.
Iran said Monday it was ready to resume nuclear talks but based on draft proposals it submitted last week, accusing Western powers of stalling negotiations in Vienna. Last week, the Islamic republic returned to international talks in Vienna aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal after a five-month pause. On Wednesday it submitted two draft resolutions on the lifting of US sanctions and nuclear-related measures. But at the weekend the United States, as well as European participants at the Vienna talks, accused Iran of back-tracking … On Monday, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh hit back. “Our texts are fully negotiable,” he told a news conference about the draft proposals,” also charging that the other parties “want to play a blame game.”
Top Israeli Military Officials Say Trump’s Iran Deal Exit Was a ‘Mistake,’ Bad for Israel
M. Plitnick - Responsible Statecraft
… Earlier this week, an interview in the Israeli press appeared with Danny Cintrinowicz, who headed the Iran branch of the Israeli Military Intelligence’s Research and Analysis Division from 2013 to 2016 … Cintrinowicz called Israel’s policy on Iran a “failure,” explaining that “[Israel] pushed the US side to leave the agreement when there are no other options.” Cintrinowicz speaks from years of studying Iranian politics and policymaking regarding its military and security affairs. His view of Iran is far more nuanced and informed than most of what we hear from Israeli officials … “Iran is not a monolith,” Cintrinowicz told The Times of Israel … Cintrinowicz was not alone in bemoaning Trump’s arbitrary and dangerous decision to abandon the JCPOA. Other Israeli leaders, and prominent pro-Israel Americans, also voiced their consternation.
The New York Times Often Cites Thinktank on Iran Without Saying it Was Founded to Promote Israel’s image
Philip Weiss
The New York Times and other media frequently quote experts from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and identify FDD as a hawkish thinktank. But they fail to say what the FDD told the IRS: it was founded to promote Israel’s image in the United States, the investigative journalist Eli Clifton says. He characterized the omission as bordering on “journalistic malpractice.” The influential thinktank routinely calls for U.S. military action to bring down the Iranian government. It came up on Robert Wright’s podcast, bloggingheads.tv, on November 9, in a discussion of political funding. Wright noted that he called out the media’s reliance upon FDD as “almost an anti-Iran thinktank” in an article for the Intercept in 2018, titled, “How The New York Times is making war with Iran more likely.”
Why I Hope My Kids Never Read Roald Dahl
David M. Perry - CNN
… Roald Dahl hated Jewish people like me … We know he was an anti-Semite because he said so … “There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity … there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.” … In 1990, months before his death, he summed it all up by saying, “I’m certainly anti-Israel, and I have become anti-Semitic.” His anti-Semitism shows through in his writing, …. Life would be easier if I could pretend that Dahl’s hatred of Jews wasn’t a problem; but I’m Jewish and it’s a problem. And if you aren’t Jewish and think it’s fine, that’s telling me something about you.
Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will
Patrick J. Buchanan
Either the U.S. and NATO provide us with “legal guarantees” that Ukraine will never join NATO or become a base for weapons that can threaten Russia — or we will go in and guarantee it ourselves. This is the message Russian President Vladimir Putin is sending, backed by the 100,000 troops Russia has amassed on Ukraine’s borders. At the Kremlin last week, Putin drew his red line … During the Cold War, America never insisted on the independence of Ukraine. Though we celebrated when the Baltic states and Ukraine broke free of Moscow, we never regarded their independence as vital interests for which America should be willing to go to war. A U.S. war with Russia over Ukraine would be a disaster for all three nations … Biden should tell Putin: The U.S. will not be issuing any NATO war guarantees to fight for Ukraine.
Bad Science Publishing: Retractions and Predatory Journals on the Rise
J. Dini - Principia Scientific International
Hundreds of articles published in peer reviewed journals are being retracted after scammers exploited the processes for publishing special issues to get poor quality papers — sometimes consisting of complete gibberish – into established journals. In some cases, fraudsters posed as scientists and offered to guest edit issues that they then filled with sham papers. Elsevier is withdrawing 165 articles currently in press and plans to retract 300 more that have been published as part of 6 special issues in one of its journals, and Springer Nature is retracting 62 articles published in a special issue of one journal. Fraudsters have been caught several times in recent years while trying to use special issues as a way to get low quality papers published in legitimate journals—but the number of affected paper seems to be increasing.
Christian Entrepreneur Raises Awareness About Historical Genocide Against Millions of Christians In Ukraine
Christianity Daily
In response to what seems to be a gap between admitting the legitimacy of the Jewish Holocaust and the reality of the extermination of millions of Christians, the Christian CEO of a growing company said that such persecution against a Christian majority group should not be quickly forgotten. Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab and a Christian entrepreneur, published a post titled “Never Forget: Holodomor Memorial Day” on Saturday … The Bolshevik government organized a genocidal famine that killed an estimated seven million Ukrainians, many of whom were Christians. He decried the fact that students are not taught about the Holodomor in school, that there aren’t hundreds of big Hollywood films describing the terrible events that occurred, and that politicians would not even mention the Holodomor, much alone visit Holodomor Museums.
Never Forget: Holodomor Memorial Day
Andrew Torba – Gab News
In 1932 and 1933, seven million (estimated) Ukrainians were massacred by genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik government. Many were Christians … American students grow up inundated with Holocaust movies, books, and education from grade school on up. American states like Florida even pass laws mandating Holocaust education for our children. So why are we not learning about the Holodomor? … In particular why are prominent members of the Jewish community, who know the realities of genocide in the 20th century, among some of the most prominent Holodomor denialists? … Christians must never forget the genocide of millions of our Christian brothers and sisters. We must hold to account those who seek to deny, hide, or downplay this atrocity.
Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War
George Morgenstern – Book available from IHR
This classic work remains unsurpassed as the best one-volume treatment of the background to the Day of Infamy. Indispensable introduction to the question of who bears the blame for the Pearl Harbor surprise, and, more important, for America’s entry, through the “back door,” into World War II. In his introduction to this attractive IHR edition, Dr. James Martin writes: “Morgenstern’s book is … still the best about the December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor attack, despite a formidable volume of subsequent writing by many others on the subject.”
George Morgenstern, 1906-1988
James J. Martin
… Morgenstern’s book, titled Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War … is in this writer’s opinion also still the best, despite a formidable volume of subsequent writing by many others on the subject. A work of 425 pages in small type, it sparked a volcano of both criticism and praise, and is probably the most widely commented upon and discussed book ever produced by the World War Two revisionist impulse in this country … George Morgenstern, whom this writer has always considered a vastly skilled journalist and historian, and a great man, might be memorialized some day by a scholar who could assemble a generous-sized tome incorporating his superb talents as displayed in a generation of published production in the pages of what was once a formidable newspaper.
Secrets of World War II: Pearl Harbor and Germany
Beyond 50 Radio - Video
In this focused, hour-long broadcast, IHR director Mark Weber and host Daniel Davies review the long record of deceit by American presidents to generate public support for war, and the complicity of politicians and the media in this deceit. Weber looks at the lies of George W. Bush and other high-ranking US officials for the 2003 bombing and invasion of Iraq, President Johnson’s campaign of deceit to build support for the Vietnam war, and President Franklin Roosevelt’s fear-mongering campaign for war against Germany and Japan. Runtime: 53:34 mins.
Apple Inc iPhones of at least nine U.S. State Department employees were hacked by an unknown assailant using sophisticated spyware developed by the Israel-based NSO Group, according to four people familiar with the matter. The hacks, which took place in the last several months, hit U.S. officials either based in Uganda or focused on matters concerning the East African country, two of the sources said. The intrusions, first reported here, represent the widest known hacks of U.S. officials through NSO technology. Previously, a list of numbers with potential targets including some American officials surfaced in reporting on NSO, but it was not clear whether intrusions were always tried or succeeded. Reuters could not determine who launched the latest cyberattacks.
Rebuild America and Fight China?
Eric Margolis
… America’s economy has been on a full wartime footing since the Vietnam War. The US Navy alone operates 11 big deck attack carriers, and twice that number of small carriers. A French admiral told me ruefully over a very nice dinner one night that the US Navy’s budget alone was larger than his nation’s entire military budget. US annual military spending amounts to nearly half the world’s total military outlays … While the US has been wasting trillions on its little colonial wars (‘war on terror’), China has been investing in infrastructure and a brand-new military. Having now been defeated in Vietnam and Afghanistan, the US military risks a much bigger shellacking by China. The balance of military technology is fast turning against the United States as a major Pacific War looms on the horizon.
An increasing portion of Americans say they are unlikely to ever have children, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Forty-four percent of current non-parents between ages 18 and 49 said they are unlikely to have children someday, marking an increase from 37 percent of respondents in 2018, according to the survey. Just 26 percent of people in that group said they were “very likely” to have children someday, down from 32 percent in 2018, according to the poll … The survey comes as U.S. birth rates dropped to an especially low level in the winter during the COVID-19 pandemic … The bureau also added that U.S. births have declined every year since 2008, with the exception of in 2014.
The Rittenhouse Verdict is Only Shocking if You Followed the Last Year of Terrible Reporting
Matt Taibbi and Matt Orfelea
Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all six charges today [Nov. 19], already causing a great exploding of heads in the pundit-o-sphere … Colleagues in national media spent over a year telling the country the 18-year-old was not just guilty, but a moral monster whose acquittal would be an in-your-face affirmation of systemic white supremacy … In a tinderbox situation like this one, it was reckless beyond belief for analysts to tell audiences Rittenhouse was a murderer when many if not most of them had a good idea he would be acquitted. But that’s exactly what most outlets did … Media figures got every element of this story wrong … Analysts not only pre-judged Rittenhouse’s guilt, but offered advance explanations for any possible acquittal.
During the height of the NSA disclosures a few years ago, Glenn Greenwald probably ranked as the world’s most famous journalist, and his entire career had seemed something out of a left-liberal storybook … In late 2020, he angrily departed the sizable anti-censorship media empire he had helped to create because his own writing was being censored, choosing to return to his roots as an independent blogger on the new Substack platform … The same views that had once enshrined him as the conquering hero of liberal and left-liberal journalists have now suddenly rendered him toxic and unwanted in those same quarters … Although Greenwald was certainly the most prominent liberal journalist to find himself censored and left ideologically homeless for remaining true to his longstanding principles, other significant figures shared his plight.
The West’s Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Patrick J. Buchanan
… In the run-up to French elections this April, a startling development suggests that resistance to illegal migration is spreading and the idea of dealing with it resolutely and unapologetically is taking root. Marine Le Pen, president of the rightist National Rally, formerly the National Front, who is expected to reach the finals for president of France against Emmanuel Macron, is suddenly being challenged. The rising star on the right is Eric Zemmour, who, writes The New York Times, “became one of France’s best-selling authors in the past decade by writing books on the nation’s decline — fueled, he said, by the loss of traditional French and Christian values, the immigration of Muslim Africans bent on a reverse colonization of France, the rise of feminism and the loss of virility, and a ‘great replacement’ of white people.”
Wikipedia is set to delete the entry on its page, referring to the hundreds of millions of mass murders, which devastated subjugated peoples under communist regimes during the last 100 years. The idea of deleting that information has generated much criticism, including from Cambridge historian Professor Robert Tombs, who sees it as an attempt to whitewash communism, according to The Telegraph Nov. 27. “This is morally indefensible, at least as bad as Holocaust denial, because ‘linking ideology and killing’ is the very core of why these things are important,” Tombs emphasized … The bookmarked page describes the deaths of millions of people during the communist regimes imposed in the Soviet Union, China, Ukraine, Cambodia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Romania, East Germany, and North Korea, with numerous sources.
Communism’s Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism
Mark Weber – Video
We’re relentlessly told that we must “never forget” the “Six Million.” But we hear far less about the vastly greater number of victims of Lenin and Stalin, and the grim legacy of Soviet Communism. Some 20 million people perished as victims of the Soviet regime, historians acknowledge. Jews played a decisive role in founding and promoting the egalitarian-universalist ideology of Marxism, in developing the worldwide Marxist political movement, and in brutally imposing Bolshevik rule in Russia. With the notable exception of Lenin, who was one-quarter Jewish, most of the leading Marxists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews, including Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Radek.
Jeffrey Epstein Was Blackmailing Politicians For Israel's Mossad, New Book Claims
Middle East Monitor
The deceased American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell were Israeli spies who used underage girls to blackmail politicians into giving information to Israel, according to their alleged Mossad handler. The couple reportedly ran a “honey-trap” operation in which they provided young girls to prominent politicians from around the world for sex, and then used the incidents to blackmail them in order to attain information for Israeli intelligence. The claims are being made by the alleged former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe in a new book “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales” in which he said that he was the handler of Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell, who was also an Israeli espionage agent and was the one who introduced his daughter and Epstein to Mossad.
Polish, Israeli Govts Condemn Anti-Semitic Display in Poland
Associated Press
Israeli and Polish government officials on Saturday [Nov. 13] condemned an antisemitic incident involving Polish nationalists chanting “Death to Jews” on Poland’s Independence Day this week. Participants at the gathering also burned a copy of a medieval document that offered Jews protection and rights in Polish lands. The public expression of hatred occurred in the central Polish city of Kalisz on Thursday amid holiday celebrations across Poland. The leaders of the event also referred to LGBT people and “Zionists” as “enemies of Poland” who need to be expelled.
Return of the 'Law and Order' Issue
Patrick J. Buchanan
… Biden’s low rating on crime came before “flash mobs” of thieves in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York looted Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom and Apple, cleaning them out in minutes … The latest statistics on homicide and murders for 2021 seem to guarantee that this mega-issue remains front and center. A day before Thanksgiving, The Washington Post reported that Washington, D.C., had recorded its 200th homicide this year, surpassing last year’s total five weeks before this year’s end. Homicides in 2020 were up 30% from 2019 … In Philadelphia, America’s sixth most populous city, there have been 503 victims of homicides thus far in 2021, a new record … Bottom line: Disproportionately, the perpetrators, the shooters and the killers in America, are Black. As are their victims.
A Temple University student just months away from graduating was fatally shot in Philadelphia, which has seen more than 500 murders this year alone, college officials said. Samuel Sean Collington, 21, of Prospect Park, Pa., died from fatal gunshot wounds during an apparent attempted robbery Sunday afternoon near the North Philadelphia campus, Temple University said in a statement … Philadelphia has eclipsed its all-time record for most homicides in a year, with 506 in 2021 as of Monday, according to police data. The previous high of 500 was tallied in 1990 during the peak of the crack cocaine epidemic.
Protesters angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all criminal charges against him gathered in Chicago on Saturday and demanded a communist revolution. Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition led the protest in downtown Chicago. Jackson called the Rittenhouse verdict a “major blow against justice and open season by the violence of right-wing military,” according to WBBM-TV … Another sign read, “End The Trump Era. Stop White Supremacy.” The crowd was chanting, “If we don’t get it — shut it down!” and “No Justice, No Peace!” At one point during demonstrations, protesters began openly calling for a communist revolution. “The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution!,” the crowd chanted.
Jesse Jackson joins hundreds in a Nov. 20 march in downtown Chicago to protest the acquittal of defendant Kyle Rittenhouse in a much-publicized court case. Behind Jackson is a large banner of the Revolutionary Communist Party that proclaims “Rittenhouse – Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!; No Fascist USA; Organize Now for Real Revolution.” An activist uses a bullhorn to repeatedly shout “The only solution, is Communist revolution.” Jackson, now 80 years old and visibly feeble, was for years a major figure in the national Democratic Party. He is founder of the “Rainbow/ PUSH” organization, and was twice a candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
Arkansas Newspaper Fights Against Attempts to Force Allegiance to Israel
Middle East Monitor
A local newspaper in the American state of Arkansas has complained that it is being pressured to declare its allegiance to Israel, and that it will not boycott the country, as states in the US continue to pass legislation outlawing the practice. In an article on the New York Times, the founder of the Arkansas Times, Alan Leveritt, recounts that, in 2018, he was given an ultimatum by the Pulaski Technical College that in order to “continue receiving its ad dollars, we would have to certify in writing that our company was not engaged in a boycott of Israel.” … Senators and members of Congress have worked to tackle the BDS movement and crush any potential support for it over the years. As a result, over 30 states – the majority of the US – have passed legislation against it, of which Arkansas joined in 2017.
We’re a Small Arkansas Newspaper. Why Is the State Making Us Sign a Pledge About Israel?
Alan Leveritt (The Arkansas Times)
At The Arkansas Times, a publication I founded 47 years ago, our pages focus on small-scale local issues, like protecting Medicaid expansion from the predations of our state legislature and other elements of Arkansas politics, history and culture. So I was surprised when in 2018 I received an ultimatum from the University of Arkansas’s Pulaski Technical College, a longtime advertiser: To continue receiving its ad dollars, we would have to certify in writing that our company was not engaged in a boycott of Israel. It was puzzling … Why would we be required to sign a pledge regarding a country in the Middle East? … Let’s be clear, states are trading their citizens’ First Amendment rights for what looks like unconditional support for a foreign government.
Oppression by Orgasm?: The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism
K. Vinther – Unz Review
… Many Jewish pornographers and scholars openly admit that Jews engage in the production and dissemination of pornography to subvert and destroy gentile culture. First, let us establish the enormous Jewish presence within the porn industry so that any claims to the contrary can be dismissed from the get-go. Kerl acknowledges in his article that the most notorious pornographers in American history — Ruben Sturman and Steven Hirsch — are Jewish … It is very reasonable to assume that the porn industry is a profound influence, if not the central influence, on the formation of young people’s sexuality and their attitudes towards members of the opposite sex … Jews see pornography as a tool for fighting “fascism” and social discrimination, and for making society safe for Jews.
Triple Ex-Thnics: Jews in the American Porn Industry
Nathan Abrams - Jewish Quarterly
A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the “true blue Jews” … Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture …
The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying Jewish Control
New American View
… The Jewish denial that Hollywood is controlled by Jews is a great lie which can be attested to by anyone who has ever been associated with the film industry … It is positively insulting for them to deny their influence and power — particularly when they themselves are continually boasting in their own circles about their “overrepresentation” in these fields. And it is absolutely infuriating when this denial reaches the point that non-Jews are attacked by Jewish agitators and Zionist zealots for stating obvious facts and truth.