Congress has voted to spend trillions of dollars Washington doesn’t have to keep afloat an economy staggering under the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Even before, Uncle Sam was hopelessly overdrawn, expecting to run an annual trillion dollar deficit well into the future. Yet the bipartisan war lobby continues to promote confrontation and conflict with nations as diverse as Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and China. Even in good economic times it was increasingly difficult to underwrite Washington’s attempt to run the world. Today the effort is pure folly … The long-term prognosis is dismal … Today America is following an imperial policy without an empire’s resources. Alas, the federal government is essentially bankrupt, facing nothing but red ink in coming years and decades.
Can This Pandemic Usher in a New Era?
Patrick J. Buchanan
… Trump should go further, turn the tables, and seize this crisis to do what he was elected to do – impose a new foreign policy. Isolate America, not from the world, but from the world’s wars … When, if ever, will there be a better time to make good on Trump’s campaign pledge to extricate America from the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan? … Following our Cold War victory, we have not done that. Instead, we plunged into wars that were none of our business to deal with imagined threats and advance utopian causes like establishing Jeffersonian democracy in lands where tribalism and dogmatism are rooted in the very soil … What the coronavirus crisis tells us is not that we should turn our backs on the world but that, in engaging with the world, we should put our own interests first, as every nation in the world is doing now.
Covid-19 Shatters the Facade of European Union
Strategic Culture Foundation
… The World Health Organization has praised the prompt and massive intervention by the Chinese authorities in curbing the spread of the disease within their borders. Latest indications seem to show China has halted the spread of the infection. The dithering response by the EU and its belated nation-based reactions could turn out to be a fatal political incompetence with consequences of a huge death toll and ruinous economic impact. The citizens of Europe will not forgive such fecklessness … What is abundantly clear is that the EU has become a financially-driven cartel, not a human-centered federation of nations. An organization that cannot adequately protect the health of its public is not an organization worth defending. The EU’s declarations of democracy and solidarity are being seen for the facade that they are. That facade was always shaky.
Unleashing the Dogs of War
Matthew Harwood - FFF
… That is the moral of the story told by Michael Beschloss in his epic book, Presidents of War … He exposes the dark hearts of many of the men we’re taught to venerate and how they sacrificed the lives of their citizens in pursuit of power, prestige, and empire, often lying to Congress and the people to get the result they wanted, while upending limited government and eviscerating liberty in the process … Although Beschloss has a soft spot for Franklin Roosevelt, the historian shows him for what he was: an ambitious authoritarian who continually lied to Congress and the American people by telling them he would maintain U.S. neutrality during World War II. Instead, he did everything he could to push the nation into war … Beschloss, to his credit, acknowledges that without World War II, Roosevelt would have gone down in history as an epic failure.
FDR’s Undeclared War
Jerome O’Connor - Naval History (U.S. Naval Institute)
… With Admiral King’s issuance [on April 18, 1941] of OPPLAN 3-41, and needing only targets to come within U.S. Navy view, America’s entry into World War II could have started as much by intention in the Atlantic as by surprise eight months later in the Pacific. As confirmed by declassified operational orders, throughout 1941 the U.S. Navy set the bar ever lower for all-out war at sea with Germany … Six months before Pearl Harbor, lacking a declaration of war and without the knowledge of Congress or the American people, the Commander-in-Chief [Pres. Roosevelt] gave the Atlantic Fleet approval to change from defensive to offensive operations … The New York Daily News said it all with a black headline: “SHOOT, FDR TELLS NAVY.”
Hoover and Other Historians on America's Role in World War II
Mark Weber – Podcast
As ever more historians acknowledge, President Franklin Roosevelt broke the law and lied to the American people in a deceitful campaign to promote war in Europe, and then to get the US to join in the “Good War” against Germany. “Freedom Betrayed,” a book by former US President Herbert Hoover, is yet another authoritative debunking of the prevailing, official view of the US role in World War II. Runtime: 48 mins.
How Franklin Roosevelt Lied America Into War
William Henry Chamberlin
… American involvement in war with Germany was preceded by a long series of steps [by FDR, including] … the orders to American warships to shoot at sight at German submarines, formally announced on September 11 [1941]. The beginning of actual hostilities may be dated from this time rather than from the German declaration of war, which followed Pearl Harbor … The promises to “keep America out of foreign wars” were a deliberate hoax on the American people, perpetrated for the purpose of insuring Roosevelt’s re-election and thereby enabling him to proceed with his plan of gradually edging the United States into war.
Prominent Italian Artist Revives Jewish 'Ritual Murder' Theme in Painting of Medieval Child Martyr
B. Cohen - Algemeiner
An Italian painter whose work has been honored by the Catholic Church for its devoutly Christian themes and masterful baroque style unveiled his latest canvas this week – a grotesquely antisemitic depiction of hook-nosed Jews engaged in the “ritual murder” of a terrified Christian infant. Giovanni Gasparro, an artist based in the Adriatic port city of Bari, uploaded onto his Facebook page on Tuesday images of the 7ft X 5ft painting that revives the antisemitic blood libel of medieval times … Titled “The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in Accordance With Jewish Ritual Murder,” it shows an infant boy surrounded by a crowd of sinister Jewish men, variously wearing side-curls and religious items, who strangulate him, cut him open and drain his blood.
Debt Will Define Our Next Crisis
David P. Goldman - Law & Liberty
… The American financial system has identifiable vulnerabilities which were brought to the fore by the coronavirus pandemic and which will condition the economic outcome over the next 12 to 24 months. The cure for the last crisis is often the cause of the next. The public debt of the US government rose to $23 trillion today from $10 trillion just before the World Financial Crisis of 2008. That does not include unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare, which have been estimated at up to $100 trillion. The deficit is likely to rise by several trillion dollars more as the government rushes to provide support for consumers and businesses stricken by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic … Addressing the causes of America’s deficit can no longer be postponed. How we address them, though, will be decisive for America’s future economic health.
The Coronavirus Is Killing Globalization as We Know It
P. Legrain - Foreign Policy
… The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the downsides of extensive international integration while fanning fears of foreigners and providing legitimacy for national restrictions on global trade and flows of people … Governments of all stripes have rushed to impose travel bans, additional visa requirements, and export restrictions … All of this is making economies more national and politics more nationalistic … Perhaps most significantly, the coronavirus crisis plays into the hands of nationalists who favor greater immigration controls and protectionism … Many ostensibly liberal governments have slapped restrictions on travel and trade more draconian than even Trump dared impose at the height of his conflict with China last year.
China’s Aggressive Measures to Counter Covid-19 May Not Work in Other Countries
K. Kupferschmidt, J. Cohen - Science
… The question now is whether the world can take lessons from China’s apparent success – and whether the massive lockdowns and electronic surveillance measures imposed by an authoritarian government would work in other countries … China achieved what many public health experts thought was impossible: containing the spread of a widely circulating respiratory virus. “China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history,” the report notes. The most dramatic – and controversial – measure was the lockdown of Wuhan and nearby cities in Hubei province, which has put at least 50 million people under a mandatory quarantine … Chinese authorities also built two dedicated hospitals in Wuhan in just over one week.
The US Government’s 'Nazi Hunting' Agency
Philip Giraldi
… HRSP engages in a range of enforcement activities, but one of its principal focuses is the arrest and repatriation of claimed human rights violators associated with the German concentration and prison camp system preceding and during the Second World War … Revenge is not justice, but it is something that the United States government and the U.S. media promote relentlessly through the activity of taxpayer funded Rosenbaum and also the ridiculous bizarre State Department offices of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism and the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues. And going after “Nazis” with such virulence ignores other war crimes … He who controls the media controls the narrative, while the winner in a war writes the history books and also decides who is guilty.
Behind the Hunt for 'Nazi War Criminals'
Mark Weber – Podcast
A look at the decades-long ordeal of John Demjanjuk, and the outrageous record of fraud and vengeful, one-sided “justice” of the US government’s “Nazi hunting” agency. In this podcast, Weber also looks at Washington’s shameful campaign against Kurt Waldheim, Frank Walus, and other “Nazis.” This entire campaign, says Weber, is an expression of the privileged status in the US for Jewish concerns and interests, and of the Jewish-Zionist grip on America’s cultural and social-political life. Runtime: 31 mins.
Allied Attacks Killed Thousands of Camp Inmates: The 1945 'Cap Arcona' and 'Thielbek' Sinkings
Institute for Historical Review
All prisoners of German wartime concentration camps who perished while in German custody are routinely regarded as “victims of Nazism” – even if they lost their lives as direct or indirect result of Allied policy … Among the German concentration camp prisoners who perished at Allied hands were some 7,000 inmates who were killed during the war’s final week as they were being evacuated in three large German ships that were attacked by British war planes. This little-known tragedy is one of history’s greatest maritime disasters.
Record Low Fertility Rates in Norway, Finland and Iceland
S. E. Jakobsen - ScienceNorway
… The Nordic countries have previously had high fertility rates. This has been partly explained by the fact that the countries have favourable policies for parental leave and childcare. Now these policies don’t seem to be having as much effect as one would expect, Karlsdóttir says. “We’re becoming more and more like the rest of the world.” Fertility rates have gone down in almost the entire Nordic region … Finland has seen the largest drop in fertility rates. The country’s average fertility rate is now 1.4 births per woman, compared to 1.9 in 2010. Norway is just behind at 1.56 children, compared with 1.96 in 2010. Finland’s and Norway’s fertility rates are now lower than the EU average, which is at 1,59.
Five Dozen House Members Demand Answers on Israel’s Possible illegal Use of U.S. Military Aid
M. Plitnick - Responsible Statecraft
On Monday, more than 60 House Democrats signed a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting that he address Israel’s use of U.S.-made equipment in its demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem … The congressional inquiry is based on the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), which prohibits the sale of “defense articles” and “services” except for the purposes of “internal security, for legitimate self-defense,” and a few other, narrowly defined circumstances. The extensive Israeli use of American-made weapons in its occupation of the Palestinians has been an issue numerous times over the years, but complaints about it have not yielded serious investigations.
The Coronavirus Shows How Backward the United States Has Become
Max Boot - The Washington Post
Ever since John Winthrop boasted in 1630 that the Massachusetts Bay Colony would be “a city upon a hill.” Americans have believed that we have a mission to lead the world, whether by the power of example or by sheer power … Our self-confidence, verging on hubris, should be shaken by the coronavirus. The United States has been a laggard, not a world leader, in confronting the pandemic … We remain one of the richest countries in the world, but by international standards we look more like a Third World nation … Child mortality in the United States is the highest in the OECD, and life expectancy is below average. We have far fewer hospital beds per capita than other advanced democracies (2.4 compared to 12.2 in South Korea), which makes us particularly vulnerable to a pandemic.
Must We Kill the Economy to Kill the Virus?
Patrick J. Buchanan
… The U.S. is rightly using extreme measures to meet the threat and control the virus that threatens the lives of millions of Americans, with the elderly sick foremost among them. And we need to do so without killing the economy upon which scores of millions of other Americans depend. Clearly, America was unprepared for this pandemic … Many Americans can survive on what they have on hand for two or four weeks. Far fewer can survive without income for two or four months … Reports of folks in this heavily armed nation stocking up on guns and ammunition suggest a widespread apprehension of what may be coming. If the medical crisis is allowed to induce an economic crisis that leads to a social crisis, the American political system, our democratic system, may itself be severely tested.
How Coronavirus Will Change the World
Greg Johnson
… No society was founded on liberalism, not even the United States … Liberalism depends on the social cohesion, public-spiritedness, and self-sacrifice of pre-liberal societies while it slowly dissolves them in the acid of individualism. Like a spendthrift pissing away his inheritance, liberalism lives on the social capital built up by non-liberal societies … Just as spending one’s inheritance makes one feel prosperous in the short run, liberalism unleashes economic creativity which fools people into thinking that life is getting better as society decays around them … Even if the Globalvirus stops today, we are looking at a world in which nationalism is stronger and the anti-nationalist forces of globalism, democracy, liberalism, conservatism, and the diversity cult are weaker.
My Struggle
Gilad Atzmon
I launched my study into Jewishness two decades ago … In Lacanian terms, the Jewish unconscious is the fear that the ‘Goyim Know.’ Their torment is that people ‘out there’ will start to converse about what has taken place in front of their eyes: whether it is AIPAC dominance of US foreign policy or the destruction of the Labour Party or the constant threat to world peace imposed by Israel and its Lobby … The Jewish strategy to handle their fears includes the suppression of elementary freedoms: Jewish Power as I define it, is the power to suppress criticism of Jewish power … What we face as western subjects is a massive battle between Athens and Jerusalem, where Athens is the birthplace of Western thought and Jerusalem is the city of revelation. Athens teaches us how to think, Jerusalem demands our obedience.
… Judaism is not just “another religion.” It’s unique among the world’s major religions. The core values and ethos of Judaism are markedly unlike those of Christianity, Islam, and the other great faiths … A core message of the Hebrew scriptures is that Jews are a divinely “chosen” people – a unique community distinct from the rest of humanity … The seemingly intractable Middle East conflict is more than just a problem of Zionism or politics, or a dispute over land. Israel’s often arrogant policies, and especially its inhumane treatment of non-Jews, have roots in centuries-old attitudes that are laid out in ancient Jewish religious writings.
We’re often told that anti-Semitism, or hateful hostility toward Jews, is a grave and growing danger. Accusations of anti-Semitism are now made so often that fewer people are fear the dread epithet. As noted author and current affairs commentator Michelle Malkin emphasizes here, the way in which even rather innocuous or reasonable remarks are labeled anti-Semitic has reached absurd levels. Runtime: 47 secs.
Because Anne Frank Did Not Die in a Gas Chamber,' Jewish Activists Cite Disease in Nazi Death Camps in Call to Free Detained Imm
E. Higgins - Common Dreams
Activists with the Jewish advocacy group Never Again Action are reminding the American people that famed Holocaust victim Anne Frank died in a Nazi concentration camp not from a gas chamber but from typhus – warning that an infectious disease like coronavirus within immigration detention camps in the U.S. could have the same potential for killing migrants as the outbreak spreads throughout the country … “Anne Frank didn’t die in a gas chamber,” Never Again Action Massachusetts spokesperson Elizabeth Weinbloom told the Boston Globe. “She died of a communicable disease in a crowded detention facility. It’s very clear that that’s going to happen to immigrants being held in Massachusetts.”
Are Americans All-In for a Long Coronavirus War?
Patrick J. Buchanan
… As Prohibition proved, Americans are a rule-breaking people … Since the 1960s, laws against the use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, have not halted the rampant ingestion of illegal narcotics and dangerous drugs … But if, in diverse cities, minority communities come out for block parties in summer, are we going to have the police march them back into their homes? Do we have enough cops for that? A prediction: The longer the orders to shelter in place and self-isolate remain in force, the greater the probability they will begin to be ignored and people will take the risks to end their isolation and be with friends. Will Americans suffer in social isolation, inside their own homes for months, while a state-induced Great Depression washes over the land? My guess is that many will rebel.
Coronavirus and the 'New Abnormal'
Audio - Mark Weber, James Edwards
The spreading pandemic and the tightening measures to counter it have shut down normal life across the US. In this recent hour-long segment of “The Political Cesspool” radio show, two seasoned analysts team up again to look at what the “new abnormal” means for us, for America, and our future. Mark Weber – historian, author and director of the Institute for Historical Review – joins host James Edwards to shed light on this very topical issue.
China Locked in Hybrid War with US
Pepe Escobar
Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus … Now we are entering a new stage, which will be used by Beijing to substantially recalibrate the interaction with the West, and under very different frameworks when it comes to the US and the EU. Soft power is paramount. Beijing sent an Air China flight to Italy carrying 2,300 big boxes full of masks bearing the script, “We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden.”
FDR at Yalta … and Joe Biden
Justin P. Coffey - Washington Examiner
On August 18, 1944, Senator Harry S. Truman met President Franklin D. Roosevelt for lunch at the White House. Truman had just been nominated to be Roosevelt’s running mate that year, and the two men dined on the White House lawn and chatted about the upcoming campaign. Truman had not seen the president for over a year and was shocked at Roosevelt’s haggard appearance. He noticed that FDR was so ill that he couldn’t even pour cream into his coffee. Despite seeing direct evidence of Roosevelt’s poor health, Truman told reporters afterwards that Roosevelt “Looked fine…He’s as keen as a briar.” Truman was lying. Roosevelt was a dying man, which was evident to everyone who saw him. But during the 1944 campaign, a conspiracy of silence reigned about his health.
Yalta and the Death of the ‘Good War’
Jim Bovard - The American Conservative
This month marks the 75th anniversary of the infamous meeting at Yalta of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and President Franklin Roosevelt. Yalta has become a synonym for the abandonment of oppressed people … FDR painted World War II as a crusade for democracy, hailing Stalin as a partner in liberation. From 1942 through 1945, the U.S. government consistently deceived the public about the character of the Soviet Union. Roosevelt praised Soviet Russia as one of the “freedom-loving Nations” … FDR told Congress that the Yalta Agreement “spells the end of the system of unilateral action and exclusive alliance and spheres of influence.” … American government secrecy and propaganda efforts did their best to continue portraying World War II as the triumph of good over evil.
Major British Bookseller Apologizes for Selling 'Mein Kampf'
The Jewish Chronicle (Britain)
W H Smith has apologised and removed from its website the sale of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the conspiratorial antisemitic pamphlet The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. W H Smith said it had “strict guidelines on the books it sells, and it is against our policy to stock books which incite hatred. “These books have been immediately removed from sale, and we are investigating how this has occurred with our wholesaler. We apologise sincerely for any offence caused.” WH Smith had been selling editions of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, including unedited and uninterpreted editions … The store had also been selling editions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion … Both books are easy to download and read online.
Our 'War President' Goes to Battle
Eric Margolis
… Now, as the coronavirus spreads, our self-proclaimed ‘War Leader’ has drawn his sword to defend endangered America. But Trump can’t decide if he is waging war against a vicious virus or fear itself. For the first two weeks of the epidemic he dismissed it as a ‘hoax’ spread by lefties … Trump treated this virus attack as a political problem, alternately dismissing it or claiming decisive action. Proper government action was delayed for weeks by Trump calling the virus a ‘hoax.’ … In his usual regal style, Trump has been taking responsibility for every aspect of the virus epidemic. That’s dangerous, because he could end up being blamed for some of this disaster’s health and economic damage.
A Culture of Cheating?
Lawrence Davidson
That is the message the public receives from an increasing number of traditional role models – those who now stand at the very highest levels of our society and publicly flaunt corruption … All of this is very bad news. This cheating side of our behavior, having gained increased acceptance, has become a real threat to two basic pillars of our society: the integrity of science/ technology and the practice of honest government. … A popular sense that those who run the U.S. government are not trustworthy, and do not run the government in the interests of the nation as a whole, is not new. According to multiple polls taken regularly since the end of World War II, this sentiment began to become prevalent in the 1960s, and has persisted ever since.
Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?
Swiss Propaganda Research
Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case … Obviously, such a non-transparent and hierarchical structure is susceptible to corruption and manipulation, the notorious “paid editors” hired by corporations being just one example … The primary goal of these covert campaigns appears to be pushing Western and Israeli government positions while destroying the reputation of independent journalists and politicians. Articles most affected by this kind of manipulation include political, geopolitical and certain historical topics as well as biographies of non-conformist academics, journalists, and politicians.
Impact, Characteristics, and Detection of Wikipedia Hoaxes
S. Kumar, R. West, J. Leskovec - Stanford University
Wikipedia is a major source of information for many people. How-ever, false information on Wikipedia raises concerns about its credibility. One way in which false information may be presented on Wikipedia is in the form of hoax articles, i.e., articles containing fabricated facts about nonexistent entities or events. In this paper we study false information on Wikipedia by focusing on the hoax articles that have been created throughout its history.
Because of the Coronavirus, Borders Suddenly Matter
Michael Cutler – FrontPage
… Greed-driven globalists have, for decades, demanded a borderless world … The globalists, driven by greed and unbridled hunger for power concluded that in a world without borders, workers could be moved around the world, not unlike chess pieces on a huge chessboard to drive down wages. Merchandise could be moved around the world without tariffs, without any obstructions and as a consequence, the super wealthy could become even wealthier while the middle class would be relegated to museums that display extinct species … The Democrats who used to support immigration law enforcement and the securing of America’s borders against the illegal and un-inspected entry of cargo and people have done a total reversal and now call for the end of immigration law enforcement.
Amazon Bans, Then Reinstates, Hitler’s 'Mein Kampf'
The New York Times
Amazon quietly banned Adolf Hitler’s manifesto “Mein Kampf” late last week, part of its accelerating efforts to remove Nazi and other hate-filled [sic] material from its bookstore, before quickly reversing itself. The retailer, which controls the majority of the book market in the United States … does not want to be seen as the arbiter of what people are allowed to read … Booksellers that sell on Amazon say the retailer has no coherent philosophy about what it decides to prohibit, and seems largely guided by public complaints … The Houghton Mifflin edition of “Mein Kampf,” continuously available in the United States since 1943, was dropped by Amazon on Friday … After disappearing for a few days, “Mein Kampf” is once again being sold directly by Amazon.
Hitler’s World Views Reexamined in New Biography
Deutsche Welle (Germany)
… The publication of a new, major Hitler biography is always an event in Germany … According to [historian Brendan] Simms, even Hitler’s anti-Semitism did not arise primarily from a deep hatred of Jews, but secondarily, from a competition with “world capitalism” based in the US, where Jews were sitting in positions of power … Simms writes that in earlier years the German politician had expressed himself nearly enviously: “A main subject of his interest was the United States, which he began to regard, perhaps even more so than the British Empire, as a model state.” … For a long time, Hitler had “only” aimed to establish Germany as a major power in Europe, but no more, Simms noted. He wanted to create a counterweight to the US as a world power. “Hitler’s goal was not world domination, but survival of the nation.”
Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny
Russel H. S. Stolfi - Book Available from IHR
This richly detailed work takes a boldly dissident look at the personality and historical role of Adolf Hitler. Prof. Stolfi reinterprets the known facts about the German leader to construct a convincing, realistic portrait of the man. Unlike most profiles, which are relentlessly hostile and focus on recounting his deeds in detail, this fascinating work seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of Hitler’s character, outlook and motives. It is a major mistake to compare Hitler to the typical politician or statesman of the modern age. Instead, Stolfi emphasizes, he should be understood as a world-historical religious figure or prophet. With dust jacket, 16 photographs, source notes, and index.
A collection of supposedly valuable Dead Sea Scroll fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC has been found to be fake. After six months of analysis, experts released a 200-page report detailing how the fragments were forged – likely made from old shoe leather. “Each exhibits characteristics that suggest they are deliberate forgeries,” the analysts said in a statement. The scrolls are a set of ancient manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible. The first of the scrolls were found in caves in Qumran on the western shore of the Dead Sea in 1947. They were reportedly first discovered by a young Bedouin shepherd searching for lost sheep. Their discovery is considered to be among the most significant archaeological finds in history.
The Spanish government plans to make it illegal to glorify the regime of former dictator General Francisco Franco as part of a reform of the country’s criminal code, the Socialist Party said on Monday. Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975, ordered the execution or imprisonment of tens of thousands of his enemies, while as many as 500,000 people died in the preceding civil war. His nationalist legacy still divides Spain and looms large over its political system. “In a democracy you don’t pay tribute to dictators or tyrants,” parliamentary spokeswoman Adriana Lastra said. She did not spell out what would constitute “glorification”.
In the Pandemic, It's Every Nation for Itself
Patrick J. Buchanan
… “As the pandemic spreads from Italy to Spain, France, Germany,” reports the Times, “there is a growing sense of the need for harsh, even authoritarian methods, many of them taken from China … The idea of European solidarity, and of a borderless Europe where citizens are free to travel and work, seems very far away.” … What we are witnessing is the clash of the claims of human nature and of ideology … Through history, most men have put attachments of family, tribe, faith, country, race and nation above the claims of liberal ideology … When a crisis comes, be it a war in which the survival of the nation is at stake or an epidemic where the health and survival of our people is at stake, we take care of our own first. This is human nature. This is the way the world works.
Coronavirus: Britain is Infected, by a Bad Case of Madness
Peter Hitchens - Daily Mail (Britain)
… Yes, coronavirus poses a risk. No, our response to it is not intelligent or useful. In fact, I think it is increasingly damaging and will soon become more so. The key word here is proportion … For these reasons, I reckon that my risk from coronavirus is quite small. If I catch it, and I quite possibly will, I doubt it will trouble me all that much. The truth is, people with what are called ‘underlying conditions’, many of which follow decades without exercise, are in danger not just from coronavirus but from almost everything … I am quite sure that many of the current panic measures do far more harm than good. They create the idea that we are in the midst of a terrifying plague that will kill us all, when the truth – though disturbing – is far less frightening. Their worst effect is to savage the economy by scaring people away from normal activities.
Amazon Bans Sale of Most Editions of Hitler’s 'Mein Kampf'
The Guardian (Britain)
Amazon has banned the sale of most editions of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and other Nazi propaganda books from its store following decades of campaigning by Holocaust charities. Booksellers were informed in recent days that they would no longer be allowed to sell a number of Nazi-authored books on the website including Hitler’s autobiographical screed … The ban impacts the main editions of Mein Kampf produced by mainstream publishers such as London-based Random House and India’s Jaico, for whom it has become an unlikely bestseller … The various editions of Mein Kampf have collectively had thousands of Amazon reviews, with many individuals giving the book five stars.
Why ‘Mein Kampf’ Was Published in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, But Not Hebrew – Yet
The Times of Israel
… No complete edition of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” which laid the ideological foundation of Nazism and was arguably one of the most influential books of the 20th century, has ever been published in Hebrew. The book was translated into at least 16 languages — including Arabic, Persian and Turkish … “We have both approving and adversarial translations into English and French in the 1930s and 1940s. And motivations changed sometimes.” The first Turkish translation, for instance, was meant to warn readers of Hitler, while other Turkish versions portrayed the book in a positive light, he said … Translators have the power to create an impression of Hitler that corresponds with their own views: “sophisticated or witless, ruthless or vigorous, reasonable or dangerous.”
Robert Baden-Powell: the 'Mildly Fascist' Founder of the Boy Scouts
J. R. Gritz - The Atlantic
… Baden-Powell was equally enthusiastic about the fascism that began spreading through Europe after World War I. He visited Italy in 1933 and wrote admiringly about the “boy-man” Benito Mussolini who had absorbed his country’s Boy Scouts into a thriving new nationalist youth movement … If Baden-Powell had had his way, the Boy Scouts might have formed close ties with the Hitler Youth. In 1937, he told the Scouts’ international commissioner that the Nazis were “most anxious that the Scouts should come into closer touch with the youth movement in Germany.” … He continued to admire Hitler’s values, writing in a 1939 diary entry that Mein Kampf was “a wonderful book, with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc.”
The 1924 Trial of Hitler That Made the Nazi Party a Household Name
J. P. O’Malley - The Times of Israel
Ten defendants, led by Adolf Hitler and other Nazi party members, gathered in a packed Munich courtroom on February 26, 1924, to begin their trial for high treason. The charges were related to an event from the previous November, when Hitler and his Nazi comrades attempted a coup to bring down the Weimar Republic … The courtroom drama, which took place over 24 days, worked wonders for Nazi propaganda. Hitler turned the dock into a platform for both himself and his party in an attempt to put the young Weimar Republic on trial. Hitler was, in fact, found guilty … As US historian and author David King explains in his book “The Trial of Adolf Hitler: The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany,” the court room drama turned its star defendant into an unlikely international celebrity and statesman in the making.
‘King of Weed’: California’s Jewish Cannabis Mogul
G. Stuttman - The Jewish News of Northern California
… California’s king of cannabis is a nice Jewish boy from Caracas, Venezuela, with an engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University. He’s worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was an investment banker for Merrill Lynch … Ultimately, he said, he wanted to engage his “entrepreneurial heart and spirit.” Now 36, [Michael] Steinmetz is the co-founder and CEO of Flow Kana, one of the hottest privately held cannabis companies in North America, and one of the largest in California. It has taken in $147.5 million in investment funding since its founding in 2014, according to startup tracker Crunchbase, though Steinmetz says the total is closer to $175 million when it includes early investment stages.
The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival
Sir John Glubb
… That which we may call the High Noon of the nation covers the period of transition from the Age of Conquests to the Age of Affluence … All these periods reveal the same characteristics. The immense wealth accumulated in the nation dazzles the onlookers. Enough of the ancient virtues of courage, energy and patriotism survive to enable the state successfully to defend its frontiers. But, beneath the surface, greed for money is gradually replacing duty and public service. Indeed, the change might be summarized as being from service to selfishness … In a wider national sphere, the survival of the nation depends basically on the loyalty and self-sacrifice of the citizens. The impression that the situation can be saved by mental cleverness, without unselfishness or human self-dedication, can only lead to collapse.
Oswald Spengler: Criticism and Tribute
Revilo P. Oliver
… Spengler’s cyclic interpretation of history stated that a civilization was an organism having a definite and fixed life-span and moving from infancy to senescence and death by an internal necessity comparable to the biological necessity that decrees the development of the human organism from infantile imbecility to senile decrepitude. Napoleon, for example, was the counterpart of Alexander in the ancient world. We were now, therefore, in a phase of civilizational life in which constitutional forms are supplanted by the prestige of individuals … Spengler, above all, has forced us to inquire into the nature of civilization and to ask ourselves by what means – if any – we can repair and preserve the long and narrow dikes that alone protect us from the vast and turbulent ocean of eternal barbarism. For that, we must always honor him.
The Forgotten Conservative: Revilo P. Oliver
Nesta Bevan -- Taki's Magazine
A once prominent name has been erased from the history of the American Right after World War II. Readers of National Review in the late 1950s and early ’60s would have found it difficult to miss the contributions of Revilo P. Oliver, among the most frequent book reviewers for the magazine. Oliver, who taught at the University of Illinois and read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, was a classical philologist of great distinction, and his articles for the magazine displayed his remarkable erudition.
Joe Biden, Warmonger
N. Dowzicky - The American Conservative
… A six-term senator, Biden served many years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including as chairman. He was picked as former president Barack Obama’s running mate in part because of his wide experience in international affairs. But now that he’s running for president, it’s time to take a closer look at just what that experience entails. It includes: His 2003 vote in favor of the invasion of Iraq, a thus far endless war that many recognize as the biggest foreign policy blunder of the last 40 years … It’s clear that Biden is a hawk who still foolishly believes that America can – and should – be a global champion of democracy and the world’s policeman. Whatever you think of Trump’s foreign policy and his desire to put “America First,” you would be remiss to think that the best alternative is Biden’s discredited interventionist mindset.
… President Barack Obama had promised 16 times that there would be no “U.S. boots on the ground” in Syria; when Obama betrayed that promise, Congress did nothing … Despite Trump’s sporadic declarations on Syria, the U.S. continues to have more than 50,000 troops deployed in the Middle East. The sooner those troops come home, the less likely that our nation will be dragged into another quagmire. The perennial follies and frauds of Middle East policy provide one of the strongest arguments for the United States to mind its own business.
Fiddling Whilst Rome Burns
Walter E. Williams
… If money were the answer, Washington public schools would be the best in the nation – if not the world. Per student expenditures are $10,500 a year, second highest in the nation. With a student-teacher ratio of 15.8, they have smaller-than-average class sizes. What is the result? In only one of the city’s 19 high schools do as many as 50 percent of its students test as proficient in reading, and at no school are 50 percent of the students proficient in math. At nine high schools, only 5 percent or fewer of its students test proficient in reading; and in 11 high schools, only 5 percent or less are proficient in math … But that’s not the worst of the story: Each year, more than 80 percent – and up to 96 percent – of high school students are promoted to the next grade. This is nothing but fraud, dishonesty and deception, plain and simple.
Assassination, Lies and the Trump Difference
Paul Street - CounterPunch
United States presidents have long lied about the pretexts for, and the nature of, their murderous and criminal foreign policy actions. Remember George W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s fraudulent claims that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq government possessed vast stocks of “weapons of mass destruction” that threatened the world and that Iraq had participated in the September 11, 2001, jetliner attacks? Lyndon Johnson obtained Congressional authority to escalate the crucifixion of Vietnam by spreading disinformation about a 1964 naval incident in the Gulf of Tonkin. He campaigned that year on a pledge not to “send American boy 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.” The following year he did exactly that, using the Tonkin lie as his justification.
End Bush’s Stupid War Today!
Eric Margolis
… Since 2001, hardly a word of truth about Afghanistan has come out of Washington. All wars are accompanied by a bodyguard of lies, as Churchill wrote, but the lies and propaganda about Afghanistan were extraordinary and shameful … Pakistan’s former president, Pervez Musharraf, told me the US had threatened to ‘bomb Pakistan back to the Stone Age’ if it did not allow the US to wage war against Afghanistan from Pakistani territory … I was in Afghanistan and Pakistan when Taliban was formed. Far from being a ‘terrorist’ movement, as the Americans and their Afghan communist allies claimed, Taliban was created by a village preacher, Mullah Omar, to protect caravans from bandits during the Afghan civil war of the early 1990’s, and to protect women from mass rape.
I’ve Taught at Six Jewish Day Schools. They’re Preaching Dual Loyalty to Israel.
Anonymous - Forward
A recent survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that nearly a quarter of Americans believe American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the United States. Based on my experience teaching at half a dozen Jewish day schools over the past twelve years, I am shocked that the figure is so low. Imagine being a non-Jewish employee at one of these schools in New York City … You walk into the building and see Israeli flags hanging all over the place … Children sing HaTikvah [Israel’s national anthem] in the morning with enforced gusto … Zionism is messaged in these schools as the most essential attribute of our students’ identity. It’s a huge problem. I’ve heard teachers or administrators say at assemblies things like “you don’t belong in America,” “Israel is your country” and “the IDF are your soldiers.”
Straight Talk About Zionism
Mark Weber – Podcast
A critical look at Zionism as an ideology and as a social-political movement. The IHR director reviews its origins and history, including the little-known story of Zionist collaboration with Third Reich Germany during the 1930s. Citing statements by Jewish and Israeli leaders, Weber notes that the essence of Zionism is its view of Jews as a distinct people or nationality, with interests separate from those of non-Jews. Zionists, he explains, insist that Jews everywhere owe a primary loyalty to Israel and the world Jewish community.
Nazi Plans for a United Europe
Guillaume Durocher
… In May 1940, hot on the heels of Hitler’s conquest of France, there were many different opinions among the Germans as to what they should do with their newfound hegemony in Western Europe … “European unity” and “freedom” from British, American, and Bolshevik imperialism were recurring themes in German wartime propaganda … In March 1943, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop proposed the creation of a “European Confederation” including virtually all European states. The draft declaration states: “2. The members of the Confederation are sovereign states and guarantee one another’s freedom and political independence … 5. The European economy will be organized by the member states on the basis of a uniform plan arrived at by mutual agreement. Customs barriers among them will be progressively abolished.”
Informed Talks on Wartime Axis Europe Policy Highlights IHR Meeting
Institute for Historical Review
Two informed lectures on plans for the postwar era by leaders in Germany and other Axis nations during World War II, and their vision of a prosperous European community, highlighted the IHR meeting. Adrian Davies, an English attorney and lecturer, and Mark Weber, historian and director of the IHR, presented views on how Europe might have developed if the Soviet Union had been vanquished in 1941 or 1942, and British leaders had made peace with Germany … An Axis-dominated Pax Europa, Weber suggested, would have been economically prosperous, socially progressive, politically stable, and technologically advanced.
Anti-White Politics
Ilana Mercer
… The anger of the multicultural multitudes is directed exclusively at whites and their so-called privilege. Anti-whitism is becoming institutionalized, systemic and therefore dangerous. Never once, however, is the thing called what is it: Non-stop and dangerous incitement to hate innocent whites for their alleged pigmental privilege … Conservatives, for their part, persist in avoiding the anti-white issue … Conservatives refuse to come to terms with the fact that our politics are almost exclusively anti-white, and not anti-Other, more exotic identities. It’s also considered politically incorrect or “racist” to defend whites … For fear of being dubbed racists, media conservatives simply look the other way. They refuse to acknowledge our anti-white politics.
Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People
Claus Nordbruch
Long before the outbreak of the Second World War, and certainly long before the outcome of this European slaughter of brothers was foreseeable, the victors-to-be and their hangers-on had made plans for the disposition of Germany that contained fundamental violations of the Law of Nations. In addition to demilitarization and de-nazification projects there were plans for the destruction or expulsion of Germans from territories they have had inhabited for many centuries.
First Lenin Statue in Western Germany to be Erected After Heated Battle
The Guardian (Britain)
A statue of Vladimir Lenin is soon to be erected in the German city of Gelsenkirchen following a longstanding battle between a leftist party and city authorities. Elsenkirchen, in the centre of the Ruhr valley, once Germany’s industrial heartland, will be the first western German city with a statue of the founder of the Russian communist party. While statues of Lenin once graced squares of the towns and municipalities across the communist east, the GDR, it is thought none has ever been erected in a public space in western Germany. A court has now given permission for the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, the MLPD, to place the metal statue outside its headquarters.
The Gulag: Communism’s Penal Colonies Revisited
Daniel W. Michaels
… Robert Conquest, who of Western scholars has done the most to investigate and to reveal the crimes of the Soviet regime, estimates that one out of every three new inmates died during the first year of imprisonment. Only half made it through the third year. Conquest estimates that during the “Great Terror” of the late 1930s alone, there were six million arrests, two million executions, and another two million deaths from other causes in the camps. It is Conquest’s belief that, by the time of Stalin’s death in 1953, about twelve million had perished in the Gulag … Today we Americans, from children to dotards, are bombarded with Holocaustiana, a saturation that borders on, and in some case results in, Holocaustomania. Yet rarely are we informed of the cruel purposes and the sadistic workings of the Soviet labor camps.
Stalin is Century’s Bloodiest Figure
Eric Margolis
… The precise number of Ukrainians murdered by Stalin’s custom-made famine and Cheka firing squads remains unknown to this day. The KGB’s archives and recent work by Russian historians show at least seven million died … Six million other farmers across the Soviet Union were starved or shot during collectivization … Kaganovitch and many senior OGPU officers (later, NKVD) were Jewish. The predominance of Jews among Bolshevik leaders and the frightful crimes and cruelty inflicted by Stalin’s Checka on Ukraine, the Baltic states and Poland led the victims of Red Terror to blame the Jewish people for both communism and their suffering … Modern leftists do not care to be reminded their ideological and historical roots are entwined with this century’s greatest crime …
The US Is Recycling Its Big Lie About Iraq to Target Iran
Nicholas J. S. Davies
Sixteen years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, most Americans understand that it was an illegal war based on lies about non-existent “weapons of mass destruction.” But our government is now threatening to drag us into a war on Iran with a nearly identical “big lie” about a non-existent nuclear weapons program, based on politicized intelligence from the same CIA teams that wove a web of lies to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 … In Iran as in Iraq, this has led to an illegal regime of brutal sanctions, under which thousands of children are dying from preventable diseases and malnutrition, and to threats of another illegal U.S. war that would engulf the Middle East and the world in even greater chaos than the one the CIA engineered against Iraq.
New US State Dept Report Blasts Iran for Anti-Semitism
The Jerusalem Post (Israel)
The US State Department on Wednesday criticized Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for stoking an anti-Jewish conspiracy theory that suggests Jews control the West. “In May, President Rouhani implied Jewish control over various Western interests, saying that speeches by foreign officials criticizing Iran were ‘written by Zionists word for word.’ Cartoons in state-run media outlets repeatedly depicted foreign officials as puppets of Jewish control,” the State Department wrote in its newly released report under the section titled “Antisemitism” covering Iran. The report said: “Members of the Iranian Jewish community are reportedly subject to government restrictions and discrimination. Government officials continued to question the history of the Holocaust, and antisemitism remained a pervasive problem.”
The US mainstream media has often given the impression that what it calls Iran’s “nuclear program” is a nuclear weapons program. But as anyone who cares to look into the matter can easily confirm, Iran’s nuclear program is a peaceful one, meant for producing electric power. As explained here, Iran began developing a peaceful nuclear program, with United States support and encouragement, before the revolution of 1979 – that is, while the Shah was still in power. Unlike Iran, Israel has developed an illicit nuclear weapons program in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Among the specialists interviewed here are: Mike Gravel, former US Senator; Mark Weber, historian and director of the Institute for Historical Review; Kevin Barrett, former professor, University of Wisconsin. Runtime: 44:05 mins.
The New York Times’ '1619 Project' is a Dishonest Attack on the Nation’s Founding Principles
R. P. Williams, M. J. Peterson - New York Post
It isn’t an overstatement to describe The New York Times’ 1619 Project as a journalistic declaration of war against America. Many of the project’s historical claims are downright fabrications — but in the most decisive respect, that’s beside the point … The 1619 Project, however, isn’t about new historical scholarship, and insofar as journalism is about the quest for truth, it isn’t quite journalism, either … The project makes utterly preposterous claims, above all, the notion that protecting slavery was a central motivation in launching the Revolutionary War and thus the American project … Every American and every political leader — from the local school board to the national legislature — must start thinking creatively and acting aggressively to deny the 1619 Project legitimacy and efficacy.
Watching anti-Semitism rise again across Europe, the acclaimed author Joann Sfar doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “When I was growing up in France, hating the Jews was something repugnant; now it’s almost the consensus,” said the French graphic novelist and director of the film “Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life.” “Anti-Semitism has become a way of bringing together people who have nothing else in common but can unite” under that banner, said Sfar with bitter irony … He is seeing more and more worrying signs. “Twenty or 30 years ago the Jewish community was terrified by every anti-Semitic attack and would talk about it, sometimes too much, and would get lots of sympathy,” said Sfar. “Today it’s the reverse. Jews know very well that when you denounce an anti-Jewish act, it is going to provoke more of them,” he insisted.
Pro-Zionist members of Congress are trying to enact a federal law that would punish Americans who boycott Israel. The proposed law would violate basic, well-established rights of free speech, say groups that defend civil liberties. In a number of US states, politicians of both major parties have already enacted laws designed to counter the growing movement to hold Israel to account for its policies of oppression and discrimination based on ancestry. Runtime: 9:55 mins.
Nationalist Governments Are Trying To Rewrite Holocaust History — By Targeting Museums
N. Robbins-Early - Huff Post
… In Poland and other countries ruled by nationalist governments, far-right political parties are increasingly attempting to twist history to fit into their own narratives. And they’re going after cultural and educational institutions to do it … Poland’s attack on Stola is part of a wider trend of far-right and nationalist governments waging a culture war against academic and historical institutions around the world. Governments have presented these policies as a way to take back control from so-called liberal elites or putting a stop to inaccurate information, but in practice they consolidate historical memory in the hands of the ruling party. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán praised the country’s anti-Semitic WWII-era leader and chased out a well-regarded liberal university.
A New Conservative Theory of Why America Is So Polarized
Park MacDougald - New York Magazine
… [Christopher] Caldwell has, over the past several years, emerged as America’s premier highbrow defender of transatlantic populism.… In Caldwell’s writing, the conflict between globalism and populism is staged as a clash of civilizations: on one side is a high-handed elite, set on transforming the West into a sort of multicultural shopping mall; on the other is a loose band of dissidents, patriots, cranks, and gadflys who want their cultures, as they know them, to survive … Caldwell’s basic thesis is that the country’s current divisions are the product of a longstanding and as-yet-unresolved conflict over the legacy of the ‘60s, and over race and civil rights in particular.
The Looming Financial Nightmare
John W. Whitehead
… Let’s talk numbers, shall we? The national debt (the amount the federal government has borrowed over the years and must pay back) is $23 trillion and growing. The amount this country owes is now greater than its gross national product (all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens). We’re paying more than $270 billion just in interest on that public debt annually. And the top two foreign countries who “own” our debt are China and Japan. The national deficit (the difference between what the government spends and the revenue it takes in) is projected to surpass $1 trillion every year for the next 10 years … Meanwhile, almost 60 percent of Americans are so financially strapped that they don’t have even $500 in savings and nothing whatsoever put away for retirement …
The Israeli Army Doesn't Have Snipers on the Gaza Border. It Has Hunters
Gideon Levy - Haaretz (Israel)
They’re the best of our boys. One is a “musician from a good high school,” another a “boy scout” who majored in theater.” They’re the snipers who have shot thousands of unarmed protesters along the Gaza border fence. In the Gaza Strip there are 8,000 permanently disabled young men as a result of the snipers’ actions. Some are leg amputees, and the shooters are very proud of that. None of the snipers interviewed for Hilo Glazer’s frightening story in Haaretz has any regrets. If they are feeling at all apologetic it’s because they didn’t spill more blood. … They shot at unarmed young men and women who were trying in vain to struggle for their freedom, an issue that couldn’t be more just.
Malaysia PM Mahathir Mohamad Compared Holocaust to Israeli Treatment of Palestinians at UN Conference
The Jewish Chronicle (Britain)
Malaysia’s Prime Minister and self-described proud antisemite Mahathir Mohamad addressed a United Nations Conference with a speech that asked why Israelis had not faced a “Nuremberg tribunal”. In one of his last acts before he left office on March 1, Mr Mohamed delivered the keynote address at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine that was hosted in Kuala Lumpur on February 28 and 29 … Describing the Second World War’s Allies as “the pro-Israel nations”, Mr Mohamed wondered why they had been “quick to hold a tribunal at Nuremberg to try Nazi war criminals, but no tribunal has been established for Palestinian victims”.
… Everyone knows that Japanese noncitizens in the U.S. were interned following Pearl Harbor. And everyone knows that Americans of Japanese descent were forcibly relocated from the West Coast (de facto internment). And a few of you probably know about the 11,000 German aliens who were interned as well. But you may not be familiar with the fate of the American-born children of German internees … But only the Japs got redress. And when the (now grown) American children of German internees asked for a slice of reparations pie, Congress made a dick move … Congress amended the 1988 reparations/apology bill to include the American-born family members of Japanese internees only and not the American-born children or spouses of German ones.
The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau
Robert Clive - Institute for Historical Review
… That atrocities were committed by the Allies against Germans and non-combatant civilians on both the Eastern and Western fronts is not often acknowledged. In large measure this reflects the fact that “victors write the history.” … POWs, whether Germans or Axis allies, were often shot out of hand, or shortly after they had been questioned. At Feodosiya, on the Black Sea, wounded soldiers were drenched with water and then left on the beaches to freeze to death … When the Red Army invaded German territory in late 1944, civilians who had been unable to flee before their advance were condemned to undergo a regime of ferocious brutality. At such towns as Goldap, Gumbinnen, and Nemmersdorf, even children were raped before being murdered by Russian soldiers.
The Anti-Defamation League criticized a Fox News host for calling Michael Bloomberg a “puppet master,” saying the comments play into stereotypes about Jewish power. In a Thursday night broadcast, Fox News anchor Raymond Arroyo asserted that Bloomberg will be a “Biden puppet master.” “What that means is that Mike Bloomberg is going to have more power than any ordinary American will in a Biden campaign,” Arroyo said. In a letter to Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott, Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s CEO, said the term puppet master echoes longstanding anti-Semitic tropes. “This charge, and the comments that followed about Bloomberg’s wealth and power, play into deep-seated anti-Semitic canards about Jewish power and money,” Greenblatt wrote.
It’s Time to Talk About Australia’s Anti-Semitism Problem
E. Lann - Jewish Journal (Los Angeles)
… Anti-Semitism is not limited to university campuses. Anti-Semitism is increasing Australia-wide. During 2019, Australia saw a 30% increase in anti-Semitic incidents, according to the annual report by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) … The normalization of anti-Semitism through political parties such as the Greens presents lasting damage to the Australian Jewish community … The Greens Party is notable for its anti-Semitism that ranges from staffers promoting the idea that Israel is committing genocide, to Greens candidates marginalizing the Holocaust, and citing Nazi Leaders. The New South Wales Greens Party has a documented history of organizational anti-Semitism against the Jewish community.
Anti-Zionist Propaganda, Conspiracy Theories Fueling Rise of Antisemitism in Italy, New Report Shows
B. Cohen – Algemeiner
Anti-Jewish incidents in Italy climbed sharply in 2019, the latest report from the country’s main antisemitism monitor revealed on Friday. Data gathered by the Milan-based “Osservatorio Antisemitismo” (Antisemitism Observatory) showed that there were 251 incidents of hatred targeting Jews last year, compared with 197 such incidents in 2018 … In a separate interview with the newspaper La Stampa, Betti Guetta — the director of the Antisemitism Observatory — said that while the 2019 report contained “worrying signals,” there were also positive developments to report.
Joe Biden Is Doubling Down on Iraq War Lies
Stephen Zunes
… Joe Biden has failed to come to terms about his critical role in supporting the illegal, unnecessary, and predictably disastrous U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. There is nothing new about this. Biden has a long history of inaccurate claims regarding that oil-rich country … Despite all this evidence contradicting Biden’s claim in the latest Democratic presidential debate, pundits largely applauded the former vice president’s performance and few of the fact-checkers noted his lie … It is his support for the invasion long after it became evident that Iraq was not actually a threat to its neighbors – much less the United States – which raises the question as to whether his motivation was not in fact about national security as he claimed, but about oil and empire.
With Scandinavian Airlines Ad, Globalism Turns to Self-Loathing
C. Farber – The Epoch Times
A commercial for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has caused an uproar on social media, causing thousands of Scandinavians to pledge never to fly with them again, and post photos of them cutting up their SAS cards. A period piece of globalist anti-nation state talking points, the bizarre commercial delivers a message that “absolutely nothing” is inherently Scandinavian, and that everything we associate with Scandinavia, from windmills to meatballs, has in fact been stolen from other countries … SAS has been the latest in a long line of globalist corporations, IKEA being another, that seems near-desperate to let the world know Sweden is a multicultural paradise now. That what once looked like Sweden no longer looks like Sweden … Hate crimes against ethnic Swedes — rapes, gang rapes, beatings, arsons, robberies — are at an all-time high.
Democracy Dies In Diverse Societies
Ilana Mercer
“Dissatisfaction with democracy within developed countries is at its highest level in almost 25 years,” say researchers at the University of Cambridge. “The UK and the United States had particularly high levels of discontent.” No wonder. Certainly, America is a severely divided country … In societies severely divided by ethnicity, race, religion, language, or any other form of ascriptive affiliation, ethnic divisions make democracy difficult, because they tend to produce ethnic parties and ethnic voting … Flooding western democracies with non-western people has created societies without social capital; societies that share no enduring bonds other than the quest to extract as much power and possessions possible from the political process. Western nation-states are now imperiled entities.
No, Bernie is Not a ‘Self-Hating Jew’
Paul Gottfried - The American Conservative
These days, I’m feeling sorry for Bernie Sanders. He seems to have incurred the displeasure of just about every establishment in this country. Although I don’t agree with his economic policies or his readiness to take over the intersectional politics of other Democratic presidential candidates, … I can certainly respect him for his enemies. Whatever my differences with him, Bernie showed guts when he turned down an invitation from AIPAC, an organization that has ruined critics for disagreeing with their Middle East policies … Allow me to raise some obviously rhetorical questions: would a candidate for president from one of our two national parties feel obliged to attend a lobbying organization representing the French or Italian government?
Boycott Israel? No US State Jobs or Aid For You
TRT (Turkey) - Video
Hurricane disaster survivors in Texas qualify for state aid only if they certify in writing that they do not and will not boycott Israel. The law requiring this “loyalty oath” to a foreign country was enacted by Texas politicians at the urging of Jewish-Zionist organizations. Other US states have also enacted legislation designed to shield Israel from growing criticism for its policies of oppression and discrimination based on ancestry. Runtime: 2:19 mins.
Israeli Election Results: The Tribe Has Spoken
Gideon Levy - Haaretz (Israel)
… The time has come to recognize that fact: Israel is right-wing, hard right. Racism is politically correct, personal corruption makes no difference, as long as you guarantee the continuation of Jewish supremacy, rule over another nation, arrogance and hatred. Peace, equality and justice are for the weak. Not for most Israelis. They said it loud and clear on Monday, more decisively than in the two previous election campaigns: Netanyahu is our king. Netanyahu is the king of most Israelis. And on the opposite side, alas, on the opposite side – nothing. To the left of Netanyahu, absolute emptiness … There is no left and no center in Israel, only an original right, and a right that is a cheap imitation.
Hate vs. Peace and Harmony
Gilad Atzmon
… The evidence of Israel’s racism and Netanyahu’s government’s racialist policies is, unfortunately, conclusive. One can look at the Netanyahu government’s approach to Black migrants. Or examine the racist Israeli national bill … But even before we can get to that question, we have to consider what the same Israeli media outlets have informed us. In a leaked recording, Netanyahu senior adviser Natan Eshel, revealed that “hate is what unites” the Israeli right-wing and it “works well on non-Ashkenazi voters.” … Netanyahu’s senior adviser’s leaked recording shines a light on the ever-growing Jewish fear of antisemitism. Those who are so easily ‘united by hate’ tend to believe that others are also similarly hateful.
For the last four years, there’s been a national debate regarding the scope of Russian interference in the 2016 election. The issue might end up dominating discourse in 2020 as well …However, blatant election interference from other countries is certainly not treated in the same way. This contradiction was on display over the weekend, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed AIPAC’s annual policy conference via video feed. Netanyahu repeatedly referenced Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders, who skipped the conference and claimed that the lobbying group promotes bigotry … This certainly isn’t the first time that Netanyahu has intervened in United States politics. In 2015, the Prime Minister infamously visited Washington so that he could argue against former president Barack Obama’s Iran Deal in congress.
Israel's UN Ambassador Calls Sanders an 'Ignorant Fool': 'We Don't Want Him in Israel'
The Times of Israel
Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations on Sunday assailed US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as an “ignorant fool,” two days before a key test for the Jewish frontrunner when primaries will be held in 14 states in Super Tuesday. At a conference hosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Danny Danon made the daring remark — which could be construed as Israeli interference in the election process in the United States — in reaction to Sanders recently calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “reactionary racist.” “Whoever calls the prime minister of Israel a ‘racist’ is either a liar, an ignorant fool, or both,” Danon said. “We don’t want Sanders at AIPAC. We don’t want him in Israel.”
U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel
Jeremy M. Sharp – Congressional Research Service
In this authoritative 40-page report, updated in August 2019, the research service of the US Congress takes a close look at the astonishing scale of American aid to the Jewish-Zionist state over the years. “Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II,” it notes. “To date, the United States has provided Israel $142.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007 Israel also received significant economic assistance.”
U.S. Military Aid to Israel: The Costly Toll
If Americans Knew
“Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll.” … The United States gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2018 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). Congress also authorized $705.8 million for “joint” U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to more than $3.8 billion per year. Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel over $10.5 million per day … By all accounts the United States has given more money to Israel than to any other country.
Germany’s 'Anti-Semitism Chief' Slams University Lecture on Hitler’s Lover
Deutsche Welle (Germany)
The German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, has dubbed a planned lecture on Adolf Hitler’s lover Eva Braun as “completely incomprehensible and ahistorical,” according to the Sunday edition of Bild newspaper. The lecture was expected to be given at the Technical University of Braunschweig (TU) as part of a series about women in world history. TU, however, rejected the accusation that the university was advancing Nazi ideas. “In conclusion, this is a contribution against right-wing extremist legends,” it said in a statement. The university also said it was “sincerely sorry” for the “ineptly worded” event, titled “‘… I, the mistress of the greatest man in Germany and on Earth … Comments on Eva Braun.’” The lecture was ultimately canceled due to illness on the part of the lecturer.
Today, I’m Publishing the Document That Could Save Us From War
Peter Hitchens - Daily Mail
… A few months ago I was told of an attempt by authority to suppress an important truth about an alleged atrocity in Syria. Claims that poison gas had been used by the Syrian state at Douma in April 2018 were not, in fact, confirmed by the scientific evidence. This was deeply embarrassing to three governments – our own, France’s and the USA, all of which had bombed Syria soon afterwards in the unchecked belief that the claims were true. All three are members of the UN Security Council, and are supposed to uphold international law with special care. But the facts suggested they had all violated that law … The vicious slanderers who attacked me paid no attention to my rebuttals, and repeated the smears, from behind false names. Their purpose was to scare others away from the story.
Is Apartheid the Inevitable Outcome of Zionism?
Henry Siegman - Responsible Statecraft
… Prospects for a two-state solution [of the Israel-Palestine conflict] actually ended during President Barack Obama’s administration, despite Secretary of State John Kerry’s energetic efforts to renew the stalled negotiations. They were not resumed because Obama, like his predecessors, failed to take the tough measures that were necessary to overcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s determination to prevent the emergence of a Palestinian state … The peace process and the two-state solution failed because America — the only country on which Israel could count on for generous diplomatic, military and economic support, and therefore the only country that has the necessary leverage to influence Israel’s policies — allowed it to fail.
The Zionist Colonization of Palestine
Chris Hedges
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds. It is the tragic clash between two peoples with claims to the same land. It is a manufactured conflict, the outcome of a 100-year-old colonial occupation by Zionists and later Israel, backed by the British, the United States and other major imperial powers. This project is about the ongoing seizure of Palestinian land by the colonizers. It is about the rendering of the Palestinians as non-people, writing them out of the historical narrative as if they never existed and denying them basic human rights. Yet to state these incontrovertible facts of Jewish colonization — supported by innumerable official reports and public and private communiques and statements, along with historical records and events — sees Israel’s defenders level charges of anti-Semitism and racism.
Students to Undergo Obligatory 'Holocaust' Lessons in Effort to Counter Anti-Semitism
The Age (Australia)
High school students in government schools will be required to learn a mandatory and more thorough history of the Holocaust in an attempt to increase awareness of Jewish persecution and reverse the rising trend of anti-Semitism. All year 9 and 10 students in state schools will be taught about the period in history when millions of Jews were killed in Nazi-occupied Europe. The push to minimise prejudice among Victorian students will include a new hotline for schools, students and parents to report cases of religious or ethnic vilification. State Education Minister James Merlino said it was troubling that, if asked, “most kids today wouldn’t be able to explain what the Holocaust was”. Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, who is Jewish, backed the curriculum change …
Despair in America: The Unspoken Issue of the 2020 Election
D. Rosen - Counterpunch
… Sadly, the deepening despair now being faced by a growing number of Americans has not become an issue in the upcoming presidential election and not raised by any of the leading Democratic candidates. Americans are suffering and a sense of despair is deepening throughout the country. In May 2019, the American Journal of Public Health released a disturbing study, “The Depths of Despair Among US Adults Entering Midlife” … The study found a rise in despair among “the young adult cohort now reaching midlife that cuts across racial/ethnic, educational, and geographic groups may presage rising midlife mortality for these subgroups in the next decade.”
Who Killed the Knapp Family?
Nicholas Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn - The New York Times
… There is a cancer gnawing at the nation that predates Trump and is larger than him. Suicides are at their highest rate since World War II; one child in seven is living with a parent suffering from substance abuse; a baby is born every 15 minutes after prenatal exposure to opioids; America is slipping as a great power. We have deep structural problems that have been a half century in the making, under both political parties, and that are often transmitted from generation to generation. Only in America has life expectancy now fallen three years in a row, for the first time in a century, because of “deaths of despair.” … America is like a boat that is half-capsized, but those partying above water seem oblivious.
Failing White Working-Class Boys
Simon Marcus - Spiked (Britain)
… The truth is that white working-class boys are one of the main casualties of the 20th-century culture war. The liberal left won, and inaugurated the new world of identity politics based on race and gender. This divisive ideology won’t help kids if they are white … White working-class boys went to school and learned Britain was a uniquely bad country. They learned to be ashamed of themselves and accept that they were sexist and racist. One award-winning teacher said that sometimes it seemed that the only white, male role-model in the history curriculum was Adolf Hitler. Our education system trashes the heritage of these boys.
Young People Don’t Care About the U.S.S.R.
Annie Lowrey – The Atlantic
In a grainy video, a shirtless Bernie Sanders sings “This Land Is Your Land” at a crowded table during a honeymoon visit to the Soviet Union in 1988. In a press conference held afterwards, he praises the Moscow metro system and Soviet arts programs. In a recording from the early 1970s, Sanders says, “I don’t mind people coming up and calling me a Communist.” … For millions of potential voters, the Red Scare is no longer so scary … One in five Millennials thinks the Communist Manifesto better “guarantees freedom and equality” than the Declaration of Independence and thinks society would be better off if the government abolished private property; one in six thinks the world would be better off if the Soviet Union were still around.
Berlin Drops Hindenburg’s Honorary Title for His Role in Nazis’ Rise
Associated Press
He led Germany’s army in World War I and served for nearly a decade as the country’s president, but thanks to his role in Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, Paul von Hindenburg is an honorary Berliner no more. The Berlin state government on Thursday struck the Prussian aristocrat off of its honorary citizen list, citing his act as president in 1933 of appointing Hitler as chancellor, the dpa news agency reported. Hindenburg was elected president in 1925 and served in that role until his death in 1934. He defeated Hitler, as well as a communist contender, in a 1932 runoff election for president. Despite initial resistance, after the Nazi party won the largest number of seats in a later 1932 parliamentary election, he appointed Hitler chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933 …
Hitler’s 1932 Election Campaign 'Stump' Speech
Institute for Historical Review
This recorded address by Adolf Hitler was distributed on 50,000 phonograph discs during Germany’s fiercely contested national parliament election campaign of July 1932, in which his National Socialist movement emerged as the country’s largest party. This “Appeal to the Nation” is similar in content and tone to many other speeches he gave in 1932, which for Germans was a year of mass unemployment, economic paralysis, and a broken, unresponsive political system. Translation of the complete text, with a foreword by Mark Weber, who examines how and why Hitler and his party won such broad popular support.
A Citizenship Questionnaire for Millennials
Thomas DiLorenzo
The following is a set of propositions about the nature of government and its relationship to the citizenry that I think should be of special interest to the younger generation, whether they are “millennials” or one of the other nicknamed younger age groups. Look at it as a quiz, with each answer either “agree” or “disagree” and see how you do … If you answered “agree” to at least eleven of these statements, then you would have made a good Nazi. They are all taken from the February 24, 1920, Platform of the Nazi Party, formally known as “The Program of the National Socialist German Workers Party.”
Hitler on Globalism and the White Race
Guillaume Durocher
The following are extracts from a speech made by Adolf Hitler to business leaders of the Industry Club in Düsseldorf on January 27, 1932. This speech apparently was a “major coup” for Hitler in talking to a skeptical German business elite, which he sought to convert … Summary of the speech: … The strength of communism as an ideological force, both threatening Europe and on the verge of conquering Asia. Europeans were not taking this seriously enough due to “the gradual growth of confusion in white European thinking.”; That politics has primacy over economics …; As Captain Truman Smith, a U.S. military attaché in Berlin, wrote after listening to one of Hitler’s speeches in 1922: “Never saw such a sight in my life. A marvelous demagogue! Have rarely listened to such a logical and fanatical man.”
British MP Says Israel Is America’s ‘Puppet Master’
Jewish Journal (Los Angeles)
In a speech before the House of Lords on Feb. 27, a member of Britain’s Parliament (MP) called Israel the “puppet master” behind the United States’ foreign policy. The MP, Jenny Tonge, was discussing the need for Britain to have full autonomy over its foreign policy. “Can the [Prime] Minister [Boris Johnson] assure us that we will do just that and not allow our country to fall under the shadow of the United States of America and its puppet master, Israel?,” Tonge asked … The American Jewish Committee condemned Tonge’s remarks.
Iran Leader Says 'Wealthy Zionists' Control America
The Jerusalem Post (Israel)
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei on Tuesday claimed “wealthy Zionists” control America. America has reached the “peak of arrogance,” and it is controlled by “corporate owners,” which makes it a “manifestation of oppression, abhorred by the world,” he said in a tweet. Attacking Zionists is the Iranian regime’s usual rhetoric. But claiming that “Zionists” control America is intended to push antisemitic conspiracy theories while hiding behind its official anti-Israel line … Khamenei wrote the tweet as part of Iran’s commemoration of the US killing of IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani. The Iranian leader has slammed Jews before. He claims the US “Deal of the Century” is “satanic” and that it includes the “Jewishization” of Jerusalem.
Trump in India
Eric Margolis
… India has drawn very close to Israel, its principal supplier of arms and nuclear technology. Israel has opened doors for India across Washington. Interestingly, in a quid pro quo almost totally ignored by US media, the Trump White House has allowed massive Indian immigration to the US. There are now an estimated four million Indian immigrants in the US. Most are Hindus. They are designed to offset Muslim immigration and sway US politics in Trump’s favor. There is nothing new in his immigration game. The Democrats encouraged large numbers of Latino and Irish immigrants who reliably voted for them. Many of the Indian immigrants are educated and fairly well-off. They cluster in IT, banking and journalism, bringing much value to both fields.
Belgian MP Denounces ‘Jewish Lobby’ in Wake of Anti-Semitic Aalst Carnival
B. Cohen - Algemeiner
A Belgian MP who previously served as the country’s deputy prime minister was roundly condemned on Friday following a tweet he posted concerning “the Jewish lobby.” Vincent Van Quickenborne, who has sat in the lower house of the Belgian parliament since 2012, took to his Twitter feed on Thursday to denounce what he portrayed as outsize Jewish political influence in his own country and abroad. “The Jewish lobby is working overtime. After Aalst, now Washington,” Van Quickenborne remarked. His post linked to a news piece that quoted Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz urging a ban on the annual carnival in the Belgian city of Aalst, which prominently featured crudely anti-semitic caricatures for a second year running.
As the Berlinale reels from revelations that its founding director Alfred Bauer was a high-ranking Nazi, the issue of memory politics looms large over the film festival’s 70th anniversary. Preparations for Europe’s first major film festival of the year were overshadowed by a newspaper report last month alleging Bauer had been more involved in the Nazi regime than previously thought. The “Alfred Bauer prize” has been removed from Saturday’s awards ceremony … While the festival wrestles with its own history, a number of films on the program set out to challenge dominant narratives about the past. In “Speer Goes To Hollywood,” which premiered in Berlin this week, Israeli director Vanessa Lapa documents the efforts of Nazi architect Albert Speer to whitewash his image after the war.
Adolf Hitler’s admiration for German composer Richard Wagner is well-documented, but that the Nazi dictator attempted to write an opera himself might come as a surprise. Nevertheless, a page of the work, entitled “Wieland der Schmied” (Wieland the Smith), goes on public display for the first time in a new exhibition on the “Young Hitler” opening in Austria this weekend. A piano sketch of the first page, made by one of Hitler’s few friends as a young man, August Kubizek, dates from 1908 when the future Nazi leader would have been around 20. Long speculated about, but never before seen in public, the manuscript was apparently written after Hitler had had only a few months of piano lessons, says Christian Rapp, one of the exhibition’s curators.
The Young Hitler I Knew
August Kubizek - Book Available from IHR
This fascinating memoir by Hitler’s close friend during his formative teenage years provides a unique first-hand look at the character, temperament and values of a major historical figure. August Kubizek’s candid memoir is the most important source of information about the future German leader’s personality and family life during his young adulthood … A shared passion for music was the foundation of their friendship, which deepened over the next four years. The author credits Hitler for encouraging him to pursue his musical career … The two later moved to Vienna, the metropolis of the great Austro-Hungarian Empire, where they shared a cramped room. Making use of the piano that took up much of their small quarters, they tried to write an opera together.
Israel Denounces 'Nazi' Themed Carnival Parade Performance in Spain
Associated Press
Israel’s ambassador to Spain has denounced a Carnival parade routine in a small town that featured men and women dressed up like Jewish Holocaust victims and Nazi soldiers. Rodica Radian-Gordon said in a tweet Wednesday that the performance was “a detestable banalization of the Holocaust,” an “affront to the victims” and “an intolerable manifestation of anti-Semitism.” The offensive costumes were worn Monday at a Carnival in Campo de Criptana, a central Spanish town of 13,000. Several women wore costumes depicting concentration camp victims carrying Israeli flags and men wearing replicas of the uniforms of SS officers from the German army. They paraded and danced to loud dance music emitted from a float that carried two towers that resembled smokestacks.
Fictional Nazi Thrillers Bring Real-life Drama to Cautionary Tales
L. Elber - Associated Press
Hollywood mustered its creative forces in the 1940s when Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany sought to conquer the world, with Humphrey Bogart standing up to the fascist regime in “Casablanca” and director Ernst Lubitsch mocking it and its dictator in “To Be or Not to Be.” More than 70 years later, an increase in hate crimes, emboldened white supremacists and political upheaval have prompted TV and film makers to revisit Nazism. The works are varied and their receptions mixed, but they share a goal: to use fiction to learn from 20th-century totalitarianism and its horrors, including the Holocaust … HBO’s “The Plot Against America” is based on Philip Roth’s novel that posits a repressive early 1940s U.S. government led by Charles Lindbergh, the real-life aviation hero and anti-Semitic isolationist.
Hollywood's Agenda, and the Power Behind It
Mark Weber
… Even many of those who readily acknowledge the tremendous influence of American film and television seem not to fully comprehend the formidable scope of the power behind Hollywood, or the outlook and agenda of those who wield that power … Hollywood, together with the rest of the Jewish-Zionist dominated US media, sensationalizes and distorts current events, systematically falsifies history, promotes debased “entertainment” and perverse cultural standards, and makes possible the Jewish-Zionist hold on American political life …
'Nazi' Concentration Camps on Staten Island?
Hengist – Focal Point
In 1981, Jack Glenn, director of the popular 1940’s newsreel series “March of Time” died at age 76. His obituary … let slip an amazing revelation: “As senior director for the popular movie house newsreel, he often created world events with actors and movie sets. One such news feature film, Inside Nazi Germany, made in 1938, included footage of a `concentration camp’ that was filmed on Staten Island with scores of New York City actors…” Millions of Americans watching the “news”-reels in their local theatres were convinced that they were seeing “the real thing.” How many such images of “reality” that we see on a regular basis are actually the creation of movie magicians?