News from the Institute for Historical Review
Monday, April 26, 2004
In spite of difficulties, the hastily organized IHR conference in Sacramento, California, on Saturday, April 24, was a resounding success.
The event, which was attended by about 130 persons of all ages from across the country and many foreign lands, was marked by a remarkably upbeat and resolute spirit. Both attendees and organizers showed great teamwork in quickly putting together this conference on the wreckage of a two-day meeting that was scheduled for the same weekend, but had been suddenly cancelled a few days beforehand.
The speakers were:
Generous support in organizing the conference was provided by members and activists of the National Alliance who had been planning to attend the two-day event that was cancelled.
Entertainment was provided by two charming and talented eleven-year-old singers, Lamb and Lynx Gaede.
The conference began at 12:30 p.m. and concluded at 9:30 in the evening, with a break for dinner and several short breaks throughout the day.
This special IHR conference was dedicated to the freedom of Ernst Zundel, who has been held for more than a year in a Canadian prison as a political prisoner.
Among the attendees was a university professor, a motion picture producer, and several scholars and authors (including Hans Schmidt, publisher of the Ganpac Brief).
The venue was not publicly disclosed beforehand because of threats from the Jewish Defense League, a Zionist organization with a well-documented record of violent and criminal activity.
On Monday, April 19, the Sacramento Turnverein, a German-American cultural center, cancelled its contract to host the two-day International Revisionist Conference. The organizer of the event then issued a statement: "With great outrage do I have to tell you that the conference has been cancelled. The Sacramento Turnverein caved in to the massive pressure of the Jewish community and cancelled our facility." The Jewish Defense League, a Zionist group with a record of violence, sent out a statement boasting of its role: "...We had been diligently working behind the scenes to facilitate just such an event [that is, the cancellation]. Today has been a very good day for the Jewish Community of Sacramento... and for the Jewish Defense League who can add another battle star to our banner."