Institute for Historical Review
14th IHR Conference -- Speakers
Leading Revisionist Historians and Activists Gather in Southern California
From around the United States and across the seas, scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review met in Orange County, California, from Friday afternoon, June 21, through Sunday afternoon, June 23, 2002 -- for the IHR's 14th Revisionist Conference.
Leading revisionists reported on the latest breakthroughs in the international fight for historical truth, from headline-making developments in the Middle East, to the growing support for Holocaust revisionism around the world, as well as on the formidable efforts of our enemies to silence debate and to outlaw dissent. As at every IHR Conference, vanguard researchers presented new findings, based on archival research, that replace official lies with historical fact.
The full Conference program can be found on the "Schedule" section of the IHR web site. The line-up of speakers included:
Joseph Sobran, author, lecturer and nationally syndicated columnist. For 21 years he wrote for National Review magazine, including 18 years as a senior editor. He is now editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's. His lecture on the "Jewish question" is entitled "For fear of the Jews ..."
Tom Sunic, author and scholar, former professor of political science in the United States, and, until recently, a diplomat in Europe of the Croatian foreign service, will speak on the mass killings and brutal oppression of ethnic Germans and German prisoners of war at the hands of the Tito Communists in Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War II (1945-1953).
Tony Martin, Professor of African studies at Wellesley College (Massachusetts), who has authored or compiled/edited eleven books, will speak on the tactics of organized Jewry.
Robert Faurisson, Europe's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar, will provide another of the witty and thought-provoking presentations that never fail to delight audiences. He brings to the podium the insight and savvy of a scholar who was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and who served for years as a professor at the University of Lyon II. He will speak on a little known fact of World War II history: punishments, including death sentences, of German soldiers, officers and government officials for killing or even mistreating Jews.
Arab scholar Said Arikat will shed new light on the background to the dramatically unfolding events in the Middle East.
Phillip F. Tourney, USS Liberty survivor and president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, will discuss Israel's unprovoked 1967 attack on the U.S. intelligence ship in international waters.
Fredrick Töben will present an update of the situation confronting revisionists in Australia. |
Mark Weber, IHR Director, will deliver the keynote address (Origin and Impact of Jewish Power), reviewing progress in recent years, and outlining present and future challenges (The IHR and Revisionism: Challenges in the New Century).
Bradley Smith, veteran free-speech activist, will provide an update on his headline-making outreach work.
Phillip Tourney, survivor of Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, will give his view of the incident and its aftermath.
Greg Raven, IHR associate editor, will serve as MC, and will introduce the speakers.
Robert Countess, author, scholar and IHR editorial advisor.
As those who have attended in the past know, an IHR Conference is a unforgettable experience. It's a special opportunity to meet, hear and converse with the stalwart scholars and cutting-edge activists who are making headlines -- and history -- in their courageous fight to bring history into accord with the facts. It's also a wonderful occasion for making new revisionist friends from around the globe, or renewing old friendships -- all in the sunny ambience of southern California.
Experience the thrill of historical discovery, the inspiration of selfless combat for historical truth, and the camaraderie of like-minded men and women from around the world: plan today to attend the IHR's 14th Conference!
Sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review, the Conference is a private meeting. We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone.